Apr 23, 2006 16:43
''We're monkey monkey men, and we'll eat all your friends''
''We're monkeys, We're monkeys, We're monkeys!''
more on that story later.
Right, havent updated properly in a while, so here goes.
wednesday - back to school. Which as really good because I hadn't seen anyone in ages because of the holidays and studying, or lack thereof as the case may be. Bad parts of being back to school? reports to be done, fun not to be had. I even thought that after two weeks away, the theatre would seem amazing in comparison to all the time spent staring at the ceiling over Easter. oops, i was wrong.
friday - Panic! At the Disco. we arrived half way through Forgive Durdens set. they were a bit poor, but i felt a bit bad for them because when you looked across the crowd people were just playing with theyre mobiles and not really paying any attention to the band. Plus their guitarist looked like he was having a fit/attempting to rape his guitar. Brandon Urie came on stage and drummed with them at the end but hardly anyone noticed.
After Forgive Durden, Men Women And Children were on. They were weird. Better than Forgive Durden, but they had a clown onstage who made balloon flowers and a bubble machine. The lead singer kept holding the microphone (or microwave) out into the audience, but there were about 5 people who were singing back. dying on their arses? of course. And then there was the song about the monkeys. I gave up on the chanting after about 5 seconds. Mostly because he started off with ' Im gonna do something we don't normally do, and your the only people we've taught this. sure. like you didnt say that to the people you played to last night or the night before. whore. so anyway, they did the monley song and threw bananas into the crowd.
Again Brandon Urie came out and sang with them and so did ryan. so youd have thought, given that they couldnt let the support acts have any stage time without them interuppting, that they'd be on pretty quickly. oh no.
There was a biiiiig long wait until they came out and we were squished! but passed the time by pretending to lick the people in front of us. it was better than it sounds, honest! but there were people lifted out of the crowd before P!ATD were even on stage because of the shoving and stuff. Then they actually made an appearance and we got squished even more and I kinda freaked out and had to move. was shaking so much, i think i must be claustrophobic. But apart from that it was a really good gig, we had fun. Apart from the hardcore dancing and mosh pit (??? at P!ATD). it was a goodish gig but not really my SCENE.
Coming out of the Carling Academy was funny because me and Jimmy saw this guy in a Dragonforce teeshirt and were like ' Dragonforce? wrong gig, mate!' and then he turned round and it was Ian. oops! Susan Hair looked like she was having a whale of a time in the balconey with Kayleigh. I swear to god, she couldn't have looked more bored if she tried and if shes says differently on Monday, she lies!
After the bus home there was a Baywatch style sprint (kirstys words, not mine!) up the road to get in in time to see Jonathon Ross. Dita Von Teese was on. me loves.
emm saturday - pretty boring day - studied most of the day then watched Dr Who - ohmygoddavidtennantwithascottishaccent! then when it was finished my mum was all like ' theres someone here to see you ''. and i was expecting it to be my aunt because she said she was coming over to see what shoes id got for being a bridesmaid at my cousins wedding (pink dress??me?????)and (right in the middle of my exams, thanks).
but it was Kirsty and Jimmy and Kirsty and Lindsay. they had arranged with my mum to come over and give me my present (a tv! im going to end up with (more)square eyes) it was a lovely surprise because i really had no idea they were coming! Jane came up as well, and it was really great to have everyone around coz we havent really hung out it ages.
today - officially 18! woo. it feels so different from being 17, oh wait....no it doesn't.my aunt actually did come round today and that's it really. apparently i have to go for a dress fitting tomorrow, so no 6th period banter for me :( .m waiting till after the exams to go get wrecked, apparently at the cathouse with Jo and Kirsty. apparently :P
The Youth Council were doing a carwash today, how did it go if anyone went. Im still traumatised from the last one and never really got the feeling back in my toes.
And Jeffrey did text me, just in case Kirsty Reid reads this. so yeah, youre meanness may have had an effect!
haha, my aunt say today, '' So are you looking forward to your first drink?'' hmm yeah, something like that.