30. Rock Ain't Gonna Die... But someone is.

Jan 22, 2008 04:06

*is unnaturally calm*

Some student saw fit to fill me in on what happened while I was stunned as a cat.

[[Filtered to Faith]]

Oh chica, you are so dead. Fucking PINK? The stunning I could deal with, but a PINK collar with RINESTONES? 
..... Don't fall asleep.


[[Filtered to Bob]]



[[Filtered to Paul]]

Why the hell were you late?


[[Filtered to Students]]

There's a test in my class tomorrow. Pass it or die fail the semester.


[[Private, 50% Hackable]]

Too bad David told me not to go on a killing spree. His exact words. Fuck him. I'm not refraining 'cause he ordered me to, I'm refraining 'cause Dementors don't like me.


damn it, faith, paul, class, bob, students, pack, fuck, cat, david

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