May 07, 2008 05:40
[[Private, unhackable except to Paul]]
Hey, dude. Pain in the ass aside, the whole charms classroom thing was fun. Maybe we should do it again some time? Maybe try it on the blackboard or something? Get some variety into it. *teasing* I feel as if the spice has left our relationship.
We really should have some fun, since this punishment has fucked with our free time. I know when i'm not getting bit by various creatures and mauled my the threstrals I'm bored out of my fucking skull....... *slow smirk* Can we break into the charms office?
[[Filtered to Bob]]
Hey, I have a question for you. Have you ever heard of an organization called 'Hellsing' or 'Iscariot'? And have you ever heard of there being different 'types' of vampires?
Oh... and... *shifty* Do you know how to get past anchored warding spells? I have this... thing... I need.
~*and if anyone were near the charms classroom- which Dwayne made sure there was no one- they would see Dwayne sneak into an unused classroom directly next to the charms door*
chocolate frogs