On Monday i watched my first surgery, in the context of my first birth. Wheeling the baby transport device to the operating room with the two experienced nurses in our spacesuits, we didn't look like we were off to fetch a basically routine new human--we looked like a Hazmat team preparing to isolate a contaminated object. Ah, anyway, an OR is a
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points to WHY you're doing this! People are crazy.... but on the other end of the spectrum i've definitely known a few 'no body but me in the room while i have my baby' kind of folks. That's maybe scarier than the sterile and cold welcome you describe. at least to me. I mean, i'm not making excuses but it would be like faking an orgasm for a maternity nurse to be all excited every time she does her job... no?
My sister did the maternity ward for a while after she finished nursing school and had to stop because it stressed her out so much... i think there is also a level of anxiety about what complications may come up with every new patient that may make nurses a little uptight and cold... To me the root of the issue is simply that there are so many people and so little community these days that 'making' babies, is a job and not an event. Its refreshing to hear you feeling a bit rebuffed by the industry of healthcare, because you're exactly the kind of person i hope would take care of me someday if i need it. :)
Keep this all in mind, and find a job where you can be less 'robotic' when you get the chance! go you! What an exciting field of study!
Oh, and its been a while since i've been in touch... hope life is a good as last time i read you. still in love i presume?
In love: yes, with developments. See the just-now post.
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