Jul 18, 2007 00:39
Dammit, I'm not one who regrets his actions, unless that action was WAY off... but this time... dammit, how I regret not being straight forward at that time...
Today, I got out of work, went home and got on my computer for a while, to see live journal and some other stuff, when I see Maria online. First thing I said was: "Heeey... you finally got internet..." she answered: "Hey Heey... yeah, just right now..." I was happy, she had some problems with it and she was trying to get online for 3 weeks.
The conversation went like this: (Spanish)
Yo: como estas?
Ella: bnbn y tu?
bueno no bnbn pero bn
Yo: no bien bien? que te pasa? :S
Ella: empeore desde la ultima vez y pa tengo monga y mucha sinositis
Yo: :S diatche... que mal chica...
Ella: y un dolor en todo el cuerpo
y hasta parezco una embarazada por los d antojos q me dan
Yo: jejeje
Ella: y to' por ñoña
Yo: jejeje
Y quien es el padre?
Ella: no se
Yo: jejeje
ah bueno... si tu lo dices...
Ella: Y tu, q?
Yo: bueno... voy para la poly ya mismo
Ella: oh q bn
Yo espero darme la vuelta orita por san juan
Yo: con lo enferma que estas?
chica, quedate descansando un rato, cuando te sientas mejor, pues sales...
Ella: quiero salir no puedo estar tn encerrada
yo: pero despues si sales, quizas te enfermes mas y ahi si que te vas a sentir mas encerrada...
Ella: lo se
quiero salir
Yo: bueeeeeno... despues no vayas a decir que no te lo dije 0-
Ella: jajaj
lo se
Yo: bueno, me voy a cambiar, para tirarme para la universidad, que quiero estudiar para ma~ana
Ella: ps exito
Yo: bye bye
Ella: Bye bye
(Back to English)
now... I went to the university, got studying for 2 hours (like at 7pm) Maria called me, when I hear the ring-tone, I told Esteban (who is my study partner together with Lorein) to hold a sec. We actually had a hold on studies for like 15 minutes, when Maria told me she was thinking on going to the university, well I told her that when she arrives, to call me, if she changed plans, to call me either way. Now, at 8:15, she called me, saying she was at the university, so I went and looked for her. My sister called me at 8:20pm, telling me to go home early so that we can sing my brother a surprise happy b-day (his b-day was this Sunday 15) So I called my brother, asked him: "Hey Bachour (his name is really Bachour ^_^) do you want me to be at home and sing happy b-day to you along Rona and dad?" a simple answer: "No, do what you want" and so I did... at 9pm, we got out of the university, and wanted to eat, so we went to subway and bought the 3 foot-long for $10, so we bought 3, one for Esteban, one for Anthony (another friend of ours) and one for me (Maria didn't want any...) So we ate, over Esteban's Durango's hood. Now, we got tripping and everything and we got to the point where I threw ice at Maria, and it almost, by accident, got inside her boobs' canal xDD. So she threw ice at me, so I went to her and put an ice on her back, later, she did the same thing. After a while, I said: "I'm pissed" and ran towards Maria with the cup of ice, she ran, I ran behind her, took an ice and kept it in my hand so that I can put it in her back. But she resisted, and so I made some force (but not exerted force) and she like hugged me so that I couldn't put any ice, but I managed somehow. We laughed, calmed down and then Maria's mother called, she had to go home, so we said goodbye to Esteban and Anthony and I drove her to her house. On the way, I wanted to tell her, just say it... whisper it... no... stop somewhere and look at her eyes... no... maybe she thinks of me some other way... maybe... but if I don't... what will happen? maybe... just maybe... if I say it... "I kinda love you..." those words couldn't come out of my mouth... I was so pissed at myself... why couldn't I just say those words? why was I so afraid? why couldn't I get the courage to say something... just something... Dammit, I hate it... this feeling of regret... I hate it...