Nov 24, 2003 01:14
1. Are you male or female? I am your contorted angel writhing at a loss for wings swelled tongues.
2. Describe yourself: I am face down like a sailor washed up under your window.
Tonight is a shipwreck.
3. What do you think about your friends? They've found their god in soil.
4. Describe your boyfriend/ girlfriend/ crush: Looking forward to a flatlined love affair the comfort of a dire lovesickness I've come to cherish bed sores and the salt in my own tears my beautiful affliction your kiss festers like a boil I find myself ugly in your eyes of asylum.
5. What would you rather be doing? But there was poison in that bottle, I tell you. I'm coming out with my hands in the air. This is not my voice. What you are hearing is not me. There's been a horrible mistake.
6. Describe where you live: Flashing lights paint veins across the sky. And everyone along the roadside just wants to see a saint.
7. Describe how you love: The greatest lovers were murderers first.
8. share a few words of wisdom: Go get your gun because God won't show.