Apr 18, 2007 19:28
wow guys its been a long while.. so i expect many comments.. lets see whats going on in my life..
1. got a new job at the institute for human resources helping mentally challenged elderly with thier everyday routines and helping them reach thier maximum potential.. while they are sleeping lol.. when they are awake, the work is VERY interesting to say the least.. 2 nights im awake cleaning and the other two im asleep, doing homework and shit but i have to help one lady to the bathroom throughout the night.. its chill but im not making enough money doing it.. and i hate the backstabbing bitches that work there.. one bitch yells at the clients... whore :(
2. i didnt have the 100 dollars for room lottery therefore i am commuting next semester.. its saving me $9,620... but this summer im getting a HOUSE!!! its in HAZLETON!! and im going to live there and commute from hazleton next semester but that will be challenging. heres the scoop: dont have to pay rent, just all the utilities and we really have to fix it up. im living with Rozy and her girlfriend Laura and my girlfriend sarita. also, i will be working at mcdonalds 4 days a week, next sem.. and that alone will give me mad bucks, plus im doing an internship next sem that i still have to set up :)
3. so i guess a girlfriend is news too.. hahah.. she is the greatest, she matters the world to me, seriously sometimes i would just ditch the world for that girl.. she drives me crazy.. i met her at mcdonalds about um 2 years ago.. my gay-dar said gay.. signs pointed to straight.. well in about january i found this to be untrue.. obviously.. i liked her a long time but i doubted myslef.. thats the last time i do that lol...
4. hmm neice is wonderful.. she is finally walking and saying few words.. i love her to death..
5. christmas was chill, even though i didnt have ne one to spend it with :( well i mean a significant other..
6. family is good, except my great grandfather who god rest his soul is slowly passing away.. he is sooo ready for it though.. and is stuck down in flordia cuz his body cant handle the trip..my nonie is also there.. i miss her soooo much..
7. im collecting items for the homeless shelter in wilkesbarre REACH for the psychology club, that is also doing well, we have a shit load of stuff..
8. right now my main stress is trying to balance my friends and my girlfriend, extrememly hard with my at school friends but not with rozy, she includes sarita in everything too.. rozy also matters so much to me.. 2 mondays ago we went to a FLYLEAF CONCERT!!!! it was fucking AMAZING!! guess where it was? PITTSBURG!!! of course i drove, then on friday it was rozys party.. i had a massive amount of fun, like i always do at rozys party, except i got cake shoved all in my face.. i got rozy a RAINBOW cake.
9. if you couldn't tell, i'm trying to focus on the positive. but this semester has so much god damn busy work.. im getting it all done though and my grades are all good..
10. i really really really am jealous of NIKKI and her new clothes.. i was in boscovs the otherday and i wanted like everything. everything is soo my style.. but no money.. not even from my income tax check :(.. hopefully this summer ill be able to get some nice clothes for my internship.. :( i also am taking a summer class.. wow
i dont know what else is to say.. there is to much.. i love you all especially my NIKKI!!! ne questions? ask. love ya. mwah!