this is making me furious and giving me a headache at the same time

Feb 06, 2012 07:16

ACTA, SOPA, PIPA and LJ. All the stuff that's happening right now is making me feel really helpless and pushed into a corner. I do not want a complete stranger to be able to censor the thoughts that I write in my own home, that they shouldn't have access to in the first place. anti ACTA petition

Youtube vid in link fort to avoid the page to load any slower than necessary --> Anonymous vows to fight ACTA across Europe

I think it's rich that they're using Sweden as an example as an anonymous Swedish representative have already singed ACTA, while in Japan no less -_-

This whole government is desperate to be included amongst the 'big boys' and seems more than happy to hop through whatever rings they're presented with (thanks to Wikileaks it's become clear of just how big an influence USA has on us for example).
I hope against hope that the Swe Government and the EU parliament will understand how dangerous and honestly Big Brother like everything connected to this is, and say no when it's time for them to vote on it. *bites lip*

That together with how this vid finally made me understand how SOPA and PIPA is going to work makes me think that if these things get approved, among many other things my sanctuary aka fandom as a whole might be in danger and I do not like that :/

And finally after stumbling over this article about 'The return of Livejournal' ( here for LJ and here for DW) where they make it clear that they are not satisfied with being a blogging platform ("These new community sites will offer organizers and admins highly detailed metrics and statistics on user activity that appear to be more detailed than Facebook." does NOT sound good to me).

And that I, a user who's been there for years isn't someone they prioritize and that they don't care weather I stay or go.
("LiveJournal's leadership has made it clear that their future American business strategy lies in generating new traffic rather than catering to the service's current small-but-loyal membership. ")
I've decided to downgrade my account to a basic one as as they have less ads and therefore generate less money for the LJ staff.

Even though I won't be leaving, *smishes flist* I've had my fill of bs for this week thank you very much

politics, lj

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