This weekend was awesome
After not seeing anyone all week I went into people withdrawals! I missed all my roommates sooo bad!
But Thursday Phil came back and I made these spicy oatmeal raisin cookies that tasted like Indian food. Virginia and I hung out and went up to Sac and had dinner at the Rio Café and then loaded up on saltwater taffy at candy heaven (the most awesome candy store where you can sample everything as long as you’re in the store!) then we went and saw “Mad Hot Ballroom” which along with “Spellbound” are my favorite documentaries ever and happen to be made by the same people. NERRRRD! But this was about elementary school kids living in the projects in New York and competing in ballroom dancing. My favorite kid was this short little six year old kid named Michael who was super Italian, “Yeah, you’d think ballroom dancing would be wicked haaad i mean wicked haaard… but… itsa not so bad.” My body doesn’t even move like these kids’ do. It totally made me want to learn how to meringue.
Friday Phil and I partied in Concord and then hung out with his dad for a bit. On Saturday we went down to Santa Cruz to hang out with Nathan and Kiana and hung out downtown where Kiana broke edge on Cabernet Sorbet, we went to dog beach which made me want to get a dog soooo bad and then went to Malibar (mmmmm!). Later we saw March of the Peguins which was seriously the cutest movie ever. I mean seriously, how can you go wrong with penguins.
Summer Update Stuff:
*I’m taking two classes for the first summer session, chemistry and a poli sci class. Eh, i’ll be done soon
*Hil and I are going vegan for the summer which isn’t that bad because I usually eat vegan with Phil anyways. And Hil is finally back after being in Texas and then LA. We’re going to be Bike Buddies.
*I’ve been baking a lot of vegan stuff, last night Hil and Phil and I made vegan pizza totally from scratch with notta-ricotta for cheese, mmmm.
*Last night I finished my portrait of Kiwi, I’m hanging that somewhere in our house, it’s going to be so creepy.
*I’m in the middle of three books, “Valley of the Dolls”, “City of God” and “Summer Sisters”
*My cousin Jill and I are going going to S.C. on Sunday for my dad’s birthday
***DISNEYLAND at the end of August/beginning of September! Woo!
Picnic Day, liz, me, phil and hil
A braces free greg, and aaron o’neil
Chris Powers and Nate being awesome after Picnic Day
A picture from when the girls came up in May
A picture from when Phil and I went the the Monterey Bay Aqaurium, this was our favorite penguin, the Madball/Nathan B penguin which ruled. He’d just waddle around acting all tough during feeing and CUDDLING time
A picture of the turkey that attacked Phil’s car in Oakland!
and a special something for larua lee