(no subject)

Dec 31, 2008 14:22

2008 was a very good year. Maybe the best year I've had so far. It wasn't all good, and there are still some problems I'm trying to sort out but most of it was very fun, and I think led me to good places. Let's see, what happened in the past year. I got into college, went on the mission trip to build houses in BSL, fixed things for the end of school, came out to my parents, graduated, had an amazing year at camp where i met some of my best friends and first gf, had an incredibly fun, exciting summer, elected Obama, met the most amazing people in ohio, had the most amazing experience, came home, saw friends and my family, starting interning with CMM. Generally a very good year. I feel like I learned a lot about myself and who my friends are. And what I want to do with my life. :)

1. Have you had any relationships this year? yes, one. My first girlfriend.
2. Have you had your birthday yet? yes
3. Kissed two people in the same night ? yes, oh lingerie party. i think i kissed everyone there haha..
4. Been on a diet? nope
5. Pulled an all nighter? yes! election night!! most exciting night of my life!
6. Drank Starbucks? of course
8. Bought something(s)? i think it'd be very hard not to
9. Met someone special who changed your life? yes, a lot of people :)
10. Been out of the province? province? i went out of the state and out of the country
12. Hugged someone? yes all my friends and family
13. Slept in someone else's bed? yeah, a bunch of my friends. my friend's parent's bed. haha
14. Got a job? CVS WOO / :|
15. Loaned out money? not really
16. Gotten in a car accident ? nope!
17. Gone over your mobile phone bill? yeah, then my mom got me unlimited texting
18. Been called a bitch? not to my face
19. Done something you regret? Not really. I drove when I was slightly drunk once. Not doing that again I felt really guilty.
20. Where did you begin 2008? Boston with my biffle :)
21. What was your status on Valentine's Day? single
22. Were you in school (anytime this year)? yeah, jan-may was my senior year
23. Did you have to go to the hospital? no
24. Did you know anybody who passed away? no, just friends of friends
25. Did you move anywhere? to ohio and then back
26. What concerts/shows did you go to? i don't remember. OH BSB DUHH <3
27. Describe your birthday: It was fun, I came home from Ohio for the weekend. Went to dinner with my friends, went back to their dorm, played some drinking game. Then just chilled for my actual bday.
28. What has been your favorite moment(s)? Mission trip, Camp, Obama's victory
29. What was your best month(s)? July I'd say. Or anytime in Ohio.
30. Overall, how would you rate this year? very very good
31. Do you have a New Year's resolution? i'm thinking

1. Have you ever been in love? yes. i don't think this past year. but maybe close. twice though.
2. Do you believe in love? Yes.
3. Why did your LAST relationship fail? distance
4. Have you ever been heartbroken? three times
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart? i hope not
6. Have you ever fallen for your best friend(opposite sex)? yes. twice. once my best friend (girl) and then once someone (boy) who became my best friend after we started being "together" and still is even though we aren't anymore
7. Have you ever loved someone but never told them? No. Well, kindof.
8. Are you afraid of commitment? Not anymore
9. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your life? No

1. Who did you kiss on New Years? Nobody
2. Did you have a New Year's resolution this year? Probably something like to be a better person, school, something like that. Change the world. I think I accomplished all of them, to some degree :)
3. Does it snow where you live? Snowing right now. my windshield wipers just broke too :(
4. Do you like hot chocolate? yes
5. Have you ever been to Times Square? not on new years
6. Do you ski or snowboard? neither.

1. Who was your Valentine? my friend
2. When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class? yeah
3. Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not? yes

MARCH 2008
1. Are you Irish? yeah, like half irish
2. Do you wear green every year on St. Patrick's Day? i forget sometimes, but generally yea
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2008? went to the local irish pub w/ my fam
4. Are you happy when winter is pretty much over? i'm really liking winter this year which usually isn't true. i used to think i had seasonal depression. but i lovee spring.

APRIL 2008
1. Do you like the rain? yes, especially when it's sunny out. :) i love dancing in the rain
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? on my orchestra teacher. we started playing the wrong song when he started conducting. he was like haha GR.
3. Do you get tons of candy on Easter? some
4. Do you celebrate 4/20? this past year. that was an epic party. it was awesome.
5. Do you "love" the month of April? sure

MAY 2008
1. What is your favorite flower? tiger lily. or the pink ones
2. Finish the phrase "April showers": bring may flowers..
3. Do you celebrate May 24th: no. i just googled it heh and it's leap day.
4. Is May anything special to you? not really. ooh well bagly prom. :D

JUNE 2008
1. What did you do for Fathers Day? took my dad out to brunch
2. Did you do anything fun during this month? prom which kinda sucked a lot, but graduating! just chilling with my friends, crazy nights
3. Have a favorite baseball team? Yankees

JULY 2008
1. What did you do on the 1st of July? i don't remember
2. Did you go to the fireworks? yes
3. Do you tan in the day? tan/burn

1. Did you do anything special at the end of your summer? end of summer parties, stuff like that.
2. What was your favorite memory of summer? lingerie party, that night in center, camp, BSB concert
3. Did you have a sunburn? yes
4. Did you go to the pool a lot? my friends pool

1. Were you attending school? No
2. Do you like fall better than summer? same
3. Anything special about September to you? My birthday

1. What was your last Halloween costume? a pig with lipstick. but i didn't get to wear it. because i MET JOE BIDEN instead. so it made up for it.
2. What is your favorite candy? twix.
3. What is your favorite thing about this month? halloween probably. or pretty leaves changing color

1. Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving? my grandmas
2. What is your favorite thing about November? election night!! orr yummy food.

1. Do you celebrate Christmas? yes
2. What are you thankful for? family, friends, a house, our new president
3. Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe? no
4. Get anything special last year? last year? like 2007? i don't remember. i got a tv this year. well, my family
5. What do you want this year? happiness. no bad drama. a good college experience
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