Feb 16, 2005 09:34
how to find out how i am doing :::
if i say::
"fine"-----im acatualy not. im most likely aggrivated, or dont want to talk to you, or just in a shitty mood.
"good" -----that means that i am okay, im not happy but i am content where i am at in the day.
"very good"-----i am stable. i am somewat happy.
"pretty ok" ---im feeling as swell as i can in this situation or day. but it could be better
" super" --- im being sarcastic. i acuatly want to kill someone, or soemthing.
" fantastic, wonderful, cheery, swell, great! "-------i am in a good mood. dont take me out of it.
last night tony came over around 10. we went into my attic and found all this crazy stuff from like years ago, pictures. everything. i found my old aerosmith ticket stub from over 2 years ago. insane. we hung out at my house for a while , then went to mannies to shoot pool. neither of us played. we met up with lindsay and stephanie and stacy... (stephanie and lindsay are our old old friends from woah,,, way back when) they are the same as they always have been. somewat ditsy, followers, and just blah....they havent changed a bit. we saw chris dogan pj n val there. that was cool. then we went out to try to find me an assignment book/organizer..unsuccessful it was around 1 am by the time we got to any stores and they werent open anymore. so we went back to my house. made some chicken keiv ( i duno how to spell it) and watched tv and then fell asleep.
i really hope he doesnt disappear again. i missed him alot.
also. hes to scared to tell me......