mtac mini-recap, butcher, and to-do list

Apr 07, 2009 22:55

MTAC was like crazy mad fun. We met up with some other Gurren cosplayers there, and they were awesome. I'll have pictures and a more in-depth recap later. Between cosplaying, Hank being drunk pretty much the entire time, and being accused by Mr. Health and Safety man (a.k.a. The Bloodhound) of smoking pot in our hotel room, it made for massive fun. I don't think I'll ever be getting Neko Mimi Mode out of my head. I blame Hank.

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And in true end-of-vacation fashion, I've come down with a sinus infection. Super. Sorry for missing out on lunch though, Kacey. :(

Also, I've started playing this little mini browser-based game thingy called My Brute. Basically, you send your little avatar thingy out to fight other little avatar thingies. It's kind of fun. You don't have to type in your email address or register or anything. You just type in the name you want and it generates a character for you, but you can password protect your character if you don't want anyone else to have the name.

In between coughing my lungs up, I've finally finished all of Jim Butcher's Codex Alera books that are out so far. They are amazing and I highly recommend if only for the epic lolcano explosion of doom at the end of Captain's Fury. Gaius Sextus is so freaking pimp. I'm also really beginning to like Aquitaine Attis from his actions towards Isana in the epilogue of Princeps' Fury. Matt also picked up Turncoat (the new Dresden Files book) today, which I've started reading while he finishes Codex Alera. I'm already about a quarter of the way in. I think my favorite quote so far has to be "Sometimes irony is a lot like a big old kick in the balls." Oh, Dresden and your colorful metaphors. I was really looking forward to Morgan's reaction to Thomas, and it did not disappoint, although I do hope Morgan also finds out that Thomas and Dresden are brothers. He's going to flip. XD

Anywho, notes to self:
1) Put down Turncoat.
2) Wednesday: Start on and finish my paper for Folklore due Thursday evening even though you're positive Dr. Kash will give another extension.
3) Wednesday afternoon: Go with Charlie and John to double-check with Robert about the groups for the final projects in Old English to make sure we're still going with the original group division, and make sure he knows we don't want to have to work with the grad students since they've been unreliable about showing up and complain all the time. No I'm not still pissy about it.
4) Thursday morning: Write a few notes for the speech for Parliamentary Procedure due Thursday morning, but don't worry about it too much because you only have to talk for a minute or so.
5) Thursday morning or afternoon: Finish writing the speech for Folklore due Thursday evening because Dr. Kash won't give an extension on that, but don't worry about memorizing it you'll still get an A for reading it off the paper.
6) Thursday afternoon: Don't forget to go to Matt's thesis defense on Thursday at 2 even though you won't understand what the hell is going on.

All in all, I'm really looking forward to going home for Easter because it means I'm done with pretty much everything except for the final project in Old English, which will be a cakewalk if it's just Charlie, John, and I working on it. The only semi-sucky thing is that I have to leave my car at home so dad can take it to get the oil leak fixed, so I'll be without my car for a week or so. I'm not too upset about it though since Matt likes to drive everywhere anyway, and I don't really go anywhere without him anymore. XD

mtac, school, books: codex alera, books: dresden, cosplay, music

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