
Jul 22, 2004 23:27

i hate having too much time on my hands. i think about stuff too much when that happens. ehhh, whatever. so i read this short story by this guy Will Christopher Baer. amazing writer. i found this on his website and thought it captures exactly what people feel after relationships end.

"Somewhere out there, you've got an ex-lover speaking very ill of you. The mention of your name brings out the worst in them. Maybe you were abusive. Maybe you cheated on this person or lied to them, or both. Maybe you never recapped the toothpaste or you hogged the blankets. But somewhere, in someone else's eyes, you are the Antichrist. Chances are they're spewing vitriol on your name as you read this.

Yes, I'm talking to you.

You know this is true because you have someone of whom you speak the same way. Stories of your relationship sound as though you'd coupled with Beelzebub and your friends wonder, what did you ever see in them? Sometimes, it's our selective hindsight talking. Other times we look back and wonder, what was I thinking?"
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