Title: Sunshowers Day/Theme: June 30 - a little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now Series: Bleach Character/Pairing: Kurosaki Ichigo/Kuchiki Rukia Rating: PG
Wow, stunning characterization of Ichigo! XD Quite a touching piece, very well written. And Rukia was really interesting - it's neat to read about the more unguarded side of her, rather than the kick-to-the-head version.
anyhooo. i love the way you write. thats why your my muse right? =] I love the way you described the mood of the setting, its so real like i could almost see it. Its simple but REAL (again) in the sense that this probably happened to IchiRuki, XD
Comments 2
Wonderful job! :D
anyhooo. i love the way you write. thats why your my muse right? =] I love the way you described the mood of the setting, its so real like i could almost see it. Its simple but REAL (again) in the sense that this probably happened to IchiRuki, XD
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