Teal Deer? Where?

Feb 22, 2008 13:25

So, I did something yesterday that I really hadn't expected to do. I quit Poly. Yeah, weird huh? After all the hours and time and love I've put into that game, I never really expected that I'd leave, OR that it'd be an issue of "I don't want to play anymore". Though I guess that's not entirely true. It wasn't like it was an easy choice to make. I love my characters, I love interacting with them. I just don't like waking up in the morning, or coming back from a hiatus (that I've had to defend bc omg RL is more important than arpee?!) and rather then feeling "yay, time to get caught up with Poly~!" it's more like "oh yeah... gotta post to Poly or I'll get yelled at." RP just shouldn't be like that. Ever. And it's hard to enjoy a game where you feel as though you're having to force yourself to play to everyone else's standards because if you don't, then you'll get in trouble. It's a GAME, I mean srsly.

I honestly don't feel badly over it, not even considering the tl;dr post that I left on the ooc comm detailing why I left. Will it start wank? Maybe. Do I care? Not really. And sure, that might sound a little mean, but honestly. Maybe wank NEEDS to be started here and there. I wasn't rude, I wasn't belittling, and all I did was spell out what I think is wrong with the community and the hopes I have that maybe others will see that and do something about it before they leech all the fun out. Srsly, 3 different ways to complain about someone? Refusing to accept that another player may characterize differently than you do? Allowing people to complain without offering one shred of proof that they actually TRIED to address the issue one-on-one? Those are things I just can't accept. Things that weren't there in the original Poly. And I miss that. I miss the way the old Poly seemed so much more laid-back, when the mods actually took an active role in plots and machinations of the City beyond the occasional superplot that everyone hates. When, in spite of everyone having their own agenda, there was still the unifying mark of trying to stop the countdown. When it didn't feel as though your every move and post and keystroke was being fed through a grading machine and god forbid if it didn't reach the standards that everyone else sees.

Surprisingly -- at least to myself -- I'm not really all that broken-up over it. I have my friends, and we're friends whether I play in Poly or not. Hell, now that I'm out of that, I think I'll even have time to make my own Poly-style game, something that I've been toying with for a few years now. I even had one of the Poly-mods talk about maybe affiliating if my game takes off, which I think is really awesome. I mean, just bc I don't like the way it is now doesn't mean I have hard feelings. I'm really more.... sad that what I saw as such a wonderful game has become -- IMO -- a shadow of it's former self. Especially after I and so many others worked so hard to keep it going when it was struggling.

I'm never going to approve of the people who went over my head to the mods without even having the decency to talk to me about their problems. Friends or not -- since I don't really know who it was -- I think that's cowardly and in poor taste to do, and nothing's really gonna change my opinion of that. I just don't agree with it from the get-go, Poly unrelated. It's one of the things I find deplorable in human society as a whole. The idea that it is ok to hide behind annonymity to avoid having to actually confront someone about the issues you have with them.

I really hope that my friends from Poly don't think I have anything against them, or anything against RPing with them or talking with them in future. Because I don't. And I certainly respect the opinions of anyone who DOESN'T feel the same way about Poly. Because I'm not condemning it. It was a great game, and in a lot of respects, it's STILL a great game. Just... not the sort of great game that I want to be in anymore.

fuck this shit up, go fuck yourselves poly, activating angst-magnet, bitch-rant of doom

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