Life go Splody Again?

Jan 31, 2008 22:11

Wow, I really haven't posted here in awhile, that's a bit unusual for me. But then, life's been crazy. Like... REALLY crazy, not the good kind of crazy.

I work at Red Lobster now, as I'm sure a lot of you know -- esp. considering several of you have come by to eat while I'm on shift. XD -- which is a good job. Cept... I only get like 20 hours a week. And if I was making like 15$/hour that'd be fine. But at 8.50? No so cool. So if we do our little math formula, it goes as follows -

$400/month income - $700/month expenses = -300$

-$300 - 1200$ credit card debt - 400$ loan debt - 800$ owed to ex - 400$ owed to Daddy = 3600$ of debt. Yeah.... not so good. Now granted, I don't have to pay ALL of the credit card off at once. But still. And this wouldn't be so bad if the IRS hadn't lost my taxes for last year so now I have to RE-file. And I was counting on that money for Katsu, so I'm not real sure what Im' gonna do.

Sure, I take commissions, and I make a bit of money there, but I can only do so much. I'm trying to get a second job, and hopefully I can find one in the next couple of days and such and even if I can barely afford Katsu, then I would at least have more money coming in. And I'm filing my taxes for this year tomorrow with my CPA and hopefully if I do them online they can get in and file them electronically so it'll only take me like 10 days for me to get my refund. Which would really help me out.

I kindof hate to do it, since I promised people I would be more active and post more and stuff, and I just got OFF of hiatus, but I'm thinking about taking another hiatus from Poly. Not a full one, just a semi-hiatus. I'd still make my minimum post requirement, but at least that would mean I'd have one less thing to worry about while I get back on track.

Cuz... yeah, living off of salads and rice sucks, man. I'm so protein-deficient I'm about to pass out all over the frickin place.

ohshit!, i are a hostess now, activating angst-magnet, brain = ded, i cans have cheezeburger?

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