(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 14:48

So, finally finished up most of the updates for the troupe's eljay at tasogarecosplay, even got a new layout and colourscheme up for it, it looks WAY better than it did. Go check it out, anyone who cares about the troupe/Neko's cosplay/commissioning anything. I don't just do costumes, I do normal clothes, EGL, kimonos, pretty much anything.

I'm working on Ikkaku's Sokka costume right now, I've got the necklace done and the parka hood done. Working on the body of the parka, and then I get to do the nice and easy pants and shirt. I figure get the hardest parts out of the way first. Then do the easy. Then do the OTHER hard part. The boots. Have I mentioned I hate making boots? I'm GOING to, bc I'm a commissioned seamstress/craft-person and that's what I DO, but I still hate making boots. At least these hopefully won't be that bad to do.

But once I get done with it, I can work on my Hiyori costume, which is blessedly simple. And all I need for Yachiru is the wig and to make my zanpakutou, which I will prolly just buy a cheap one and laquer it. Or just use a scabbard that I already have and glue a tsubas and hilt to it, seeing as she never actually DRAWS it. So there's really no need for me to have a blade for it. Hell, or I could just make the whole damned thing out of a few pieces of wood. Either way, I've certainly got time to do THAT. And for Hiyori, I have all my needed fabric, I just have to actually sit down and make it. And then get my wig. And hopefully make her mask, if I have the time. I have the materials, it'll just be a time issue. Same with Hirako's mask.

Gonna try and go to Kan-chan's for New Years, but won't know that until I find out my schedule for next week. Which really sucks bc I need to give them my con dates for 2008 so they'll know, and I'm not sure whether they'll forget them or not.

Oh, and speaking of con, I have hotels booked for every con in 2008, cept Otakon which Nii-sama is in charge of. So no worries about hotels. To those going to AB, it's a tad more expensive bc it's a nice hotel in the middle of a big city, so just keep that in mind. Katsu crew, I'm going to be needing money from you guys by the 1st of Feb, so make sure you're setting it aside.

Otherwise, pretty much same-old, same-old. Oh, and anyone who wants free cheddar biscuits from Red Lobster just let me know, I can have all I want at work.

bored much?, con is the secret of life, i are a hostess now, not-pr0n, brain = ded, schedule-wank is lame, free biscuits = major winz, con-plans, i cans have cheezeburger?, share my insanity, hotel-people scare me, wow i use lots of tags, i should be working..., neko = awesome just fyi, shameless self-advertising, happy cat has not run out of happy, kan-chan

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