
Sep 06, 2011 13:11

Exaaaaam is overrrrrr. Pretty much a whole month of holiday now, although I still have stuff here and there. No biggie though, since I still get to slack around most of the time. My main goals are to pretty much get some more writing done (and finish that SPN fic I started yesterday), finish watching Kamen Rider Double and its related things and SPN: The Animation.


--to SPN Season 7. ;w; I SHAMELESSLY CRAVE FOR MORE DELICIOUS SPN and yeah, I'm hopelessly addicted to it already. Cry.

ANYWAY, MEME. man I haven't done any here in a while.

1. Reply to this post with "FOOTPRINTS!" "Awesome", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Bay gave me my icons, so here they are!

[butt kicking : Infernape style]
Pretty much my obligatory Pokémon icon, since I do still like 'em. Also Infernape is cool although Mightyena is forever the best, and that artwork was rad. I need to make more TCG icons.

[KB wins for once~]
Uuuuuh obligatory... FMA icon? Yeah. Roy is cool, and Kae RPs him awesomely. Nuff' said.

[The Three Captains of TST : A Guide]
Hahahaha oh man this one has a bit of a story. Its actually something from theskytides, that awesome AU RP I was in for a long long while until it closed down (sob). Basically before that there was the older ships (Victoria II, 4423, Winding Way, Silvana and Fiertia) and their IC captains and on one of many Skype conversations they were brought up and we all started to give them nicknames. And then I was like 'man I should make icons of this' and everybody was a horrible enabler so this happened.

Needless to say, when the new ships came rolling about an updated version was required, so... yeah.

[There's no place like home]

[Dante is not amused]
Obligatory DMC icon. Michele plays a wonderful Dante, and IDK what I'd do without her. ♥

real life, akl;jare, fuck yes, brb fangirl moment incoming, random, fandom rambling, epicness, memes, happy kb is happy, rambling

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