Oneshot: Stopping Time (The Doctor)

Sep 29, 2010 19:49

Disclaimers: Doctor Who does not belong to me, nor do any of the characters in this oneshot. Doctor Who is property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies. The plot of this oneshot does belong to me though.

A/N: This is a sister story to a previous fic, The Last Stop (Rose). Please read the first fic before reading this one (links included just below), seeing as how some things are explained in the first fic that are not explained in this one.

Rating: M

Pairing: Ten/Rose

Author: Cassandra/Tasogareban

Beta: bratflorida

Spoilers: All of the first four series of New Who, including the year four specials.

The Last Stop (Rose):

The Last Stop (Rose) - Part 1/3
The Last Stop (Rose) - Part 2/3
The Last Stop (Rose) - Part 3/3

Stopping Time (The Doctor)

Take me over when I'm gone
Take me over, make me strong
Take me over when I'm gone
Will they burn for me?

She pulls me in and strips me down
She pulls me in and turns me out
She pulls me in and strips me down to the ground.

Candleburn - Dishwalla

I knew it would happen. Because it had happened before, in a different time, a different life. Before everything became gray. I remembered feeling like I was outside of something when it came to her, held back from understanding what was going on because she had hidden it from me. The past me. And part of it had been her fault. The rest had been my own. I just hadn’t known then.

And I hadn’t known it would happen that way.

The first time I went to her, it’d been with Donna’s question ringing in my ears. “That friend of yours. What was her name?”

“Her name was Rose,” I remember replying, a sudden lump in my throat, my vision suspiciously blurred. Even now, thinking back on that moment, I still felt pain in my chest.

“Did you just call me?” she asked him, all long blond hair, curious dark eyes and chips in her hand. Chips for him. He had sent her out into the cold because he’d wanted something to munch on while he had worked on the TARDIS. He’d done the strangest things to her, especially as his Ninth self. Sometimes nothing had satisfied him. Least of all the relationship he’d had with that blond girl there. But she had stuck with him to the end, when they’d had no more future.

He had inadvertently called out her name against his very will. Why had he done that? He had only wanted a glimpse of her. And now he had gone and gotten himself into trouble again. Keeping to the shadows, his hands deep in his pockets, he took a step closer to her, wanting to see. She followed his movements with her eyes, her stare dropping down to his trainers and traveling up his frame. Even as a complete stranger to her, she still made his breath catch at the way her eyes studied his every movement. “I did,” he replied tremulously.

“Do I know you?” she asked with a small frown.

He wanted to shout at her that yes, she did know him. She knew him inside out and she held his hearts in the palm of her hand and why didn’t she know him yet? He needed her to know him. But he knew why she didn’t yet. Because he had come too early. He had chosen that specific time because he had only wanted the glimpse of her. And he shook his head inwardly, helplessly. Who had he been kidding? He had wagered the entire trip on the one glance but with the side plan that if she did happen to encounter him, that she wouldn’t recognize him, not just yet.

She didn’t know him yet.

“No, I should think not,” he murmured almost absentmindedly as he came forth one more step and finally stopped. “It’s too early. And I shouldn’t have come.”

And with that, he whirled from her, needing to be away from her almost as much as he needed to be with her. His blood was pounding in his ears, slight shivers having risen. He was close by. The chips were for him. And he had foolishly wandered into the wrong territory. He ran from her, hearing her call out from behind, but he couldn’t stop. It had been a risky game he had just played, a dumb maneuver, especially for him.

He wouldn’t be doing it again.

That…was a lie. I was going to do it again. And again. And several more times on top of it. Because as the days wore on, she was the only one who could stop the tick of the clock in my head. When I was with her, there was nothing but her smile, the trail of her hair on my hand and her breath on my lips. The first time, I’d just barely managed to drag myself from her but I had needed her that day. After saying her name to Donna, I had needed the real thing. And when I went to her the second time, it was on Polanthus. The people are very nice there. I had left her to ogle them. It was amusing to watch all the expressions cross her face when she encountered something new. But I had just barely managed to leave before I had shown up. How strange to run into yourself. It wasn’t one of my better moments but I had missed him by the skin of my very teeth and I had told myself no more. That one had been too close and if I had done something to change, to ruin, my timeline with her…I would never have forgiven myself. Not when she was the best thing to have ever happened to me.

She’d told me she wanted to see me. As often as I wanted. As if things could ever be that easy. She had even devised a plan to tell me apart from my past self. A blue suit, she’d suggested. Did blue even flatter me? According to her it did.

I had taken on a new companion around that second time, a little bit after. Martha Jones. Brilliant Martha Jones. She’d been intelligent, resourceful. Just about perfect. Except that when I had looked at her, I’d felt nothing. I didn’t get that soaring feeling in my chest and the clock did not stop ticking in my head.

And one day, while traveling with Martha, I had come across a witch who had managed to tear down all of my defenses with a single sentence.

“But your heart grows cold, the north wind blows, and carries down the distant...Rose.”

I’d returned to her that night after finding an excuse for Martha. I had needed her and she had destroyed me as well, holding my hand in her mother’s flat and telling me she loved me. I don’t know what I had been thinking. All I’d wanted upon hearing her words was to feel her, to taste her. I knew I had missed her. I didn’t know how much until she’d sat next to me asking about her future self and smelling so very much like my Rose.

“No,” she murmured, shaking her head. He turned to look at her, his eyes dropping to her mouth and she said it again. “No. That kind of thing…it doesn’t happen. Not to us. Because I would never leave you. I never would.” Her arms were tight around his but somehow he couldn’t make himself even notice she was cutting off his blood flow. “You and me…we’re supposed to happen. And I would never stop traveling with you, being with you. The only thing that would ever stop me from traveling with you is if you were to leave me, like…like Sarah Jane.” She broke off and he wanted to tell her, to shout at her, that he didn’t leave her. That he could never leave her. That things happened because the world was cruel. And that maybe he was just never meant to be happy, not with her, no matter how hard he fought for it. “But to stop, to just leave you,” she continued, her voice turning firm. “No. That’s not going to happen. Not when I love you as much as I do.”

His hearts streaked to a painful stop, his eyes lifting from her mouth to her eyes, to move between them blindly.

“You know that, don’t you?” she asked him, almost shaking him. As if he really needed her to convince him. “You know that? That I love you? That I would never, ever want to stop-“

He cut her off, heat rising inside as her words echoed in his head, the clock freezing in mid-tick. Just like that, she could stop time. Futilely, understanding that everything she was could easily dismantle him, he reached for her and kissed her. She was caught by surprise, her breath catching, but a moment later she came alive under his hand. Releasing his arm as she shifted to face him, her hands rose to his face as she pressed to him to return his kiss. And it was such a mistake, what he had just done. He felt himself grimace against her lips, felt his hearts beat out of sync, causing him to feel as if he was falling and standing still at the same time.

Dropping her head, she pressed her forehead to his and he didn’t want her to see how much that kiss had just broken him. He had come so far without her in meager weeks. He had been doing so much better. How could the simple mention of her name tear him down so completely? He felt her uncertain laugh in her words. “It can’t be that bad, kissing me.”

No, he agreed inwardly, wincing even as he lifted his face to her, feeling her fingertips brush lightly against his lips. It was much worse than that. The mere feather-light touch of her hand made him want to abandon all the rules of time and space and stay on that couch forever, held in her embrace. His lips parted slightly as her mouth followed her fingers, as she closed that tiny distance between them. He couldn’t breathe, his beating hearts confusing him, deafening him.

And then, pushing down everything inside, he turned his face from hers, his arm winding around her neck to drag her against his shoulder.  It was a mistake, all of it. A weak mistake. And he couldn’t even know then if he had done something wrong in their line. If he had broken something along the way. Whispering frantically, he breathed against her ear. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry-“

She hesitated, confused. “What?” she asked against his neck, her hand falling to clutch his collar. “Stop saying that. Stop it-“

“I can’t keep doing this,” he said over her, his shoulders shaking. He found himself stunned at his weakness, afraid for what he may have caused even though he could sense no shift in their timeline. “I can’t-“

He needed to get away from her. Right then, he realized it. He came to her because he needed her, each time afraid that he was causing irreparable damage to their line, risking his past and her future on his desire. And he couldn’t do it anymore, not if there was the slightest chance that he could erase ever having even known her. The thought sent sheer terror through him and he shoved away from her almost roughly, shooting to his feet. As he turned to escape, he heard her call for him but he couldn’t stop. He needed to run, run even if she could no longer join him. And he needed to do it immediately. Making for the door, he burst out of it and ran, her name resounding in his head, the clock ticking ominously.

I was a bleeding idiot. All those trips for one look at her, only to want more with each visit. The kiss had been the last straw to break. I knew after that, I would use any excuse to see her. And I would only want more of her every time. She was intoxicating, especially then that I could open myself to her. My past self, he would rigidly stay just that bit away from her with all those burdens on him. Last of the Time Lords. Defending Earth. All those things that somehow just didn’t make sense after awhile when I was with her. I don’t know how I managed to be around her for two years without wanting more. Except, therein lies the rub, I suppose. I don’t think I ever really went around with her quite so platonically. Every chance given me, I would take her hand or hold her close to me. She always seemed to fit so well, I almost couldn’t help myself. And to say that my past self didn’t realize it as well is just foolish. He knew it. I knew it. He just couldn’t cross that little line.

But I could now. Because once I got that first taste of her, how could I not want a second?

I’d just gotten back from an especially harrowing adventure with Martha. She’d gone home for the night, perhaps for longer, and I had been left alone in the TARDIS. Doing some repair work, I had told Martha. She’d taken that as a sign that I’d wanted to be alone and it had been a while since she’d been home to see her family as it was. So off she’d gone. And off I’d gone as well. I had needed someone who would understand the things I’d seen, the things I’d just been put through. It wasn’t often I was taken over by a vicious force. The fact of the matter was, I’d felt uncertain in my own skin. It wasn’t comforting, that uncertainty. Every regeneration was a new chance, new features and a new personality. But this had been no regeneration. This had been burning alive, fighting against being consumed by a sinister parasite. One that had almost won and no one would know how close it had come to wiping out the last remaining Time Lord from existence.

The last time I’d burned like that had been the day I’d taken the heart of the TARDIS out of Rose. That night, I had needed to burn again. And I went to the one person who could make me feel that, who could take the pain out of the burning.

She was angry and he knew why. She had just come back from the Madame de Pompadour. And he had left her, frightened her. She had every right to be mad, he told himself, as the blond girl took one look at him and then quickly looked away in irritation. Even now, his past self was sitting in the TARDIS brooding over a silly letter from a French woman he had spent mere hours with. And for her, he had been ready to give up traveling?

He also knew what tonight meant. Tonight was the night that Rose would go back to the TARDIS smelling like him. All over. Smelling of sex, arousal and him. He swallowed as her eyes came to rest on him and wondered momentarily if she could read minds, if she could read the expressions on his face clearly enough. He was going to take her to his TARDIS tonight. And he held out his hand to her silently, waiting for her to take it. Because she was going to take it. Of that he was quite sure.

She asked him what was wrong. He was about to do something that he really shouldn’t. But he needed someone, she said, catching on. He nodded in response. And this was going to be the last time, she stated with a smile as she stood up to come closer to him, smelling too much like herself. The sudden assault of that perfect scent drove every thought from his head and he lied quite badly then, a lie that she had caught easily. A lie that had made her smile in pleasure.

He would definitely be coming back, again and again if she allowed him. Because he was beginning to remember now how he would be playing this game. Her Doctor was going to find out. It was only a matter of time. Because he had found out toward the end as well.

Quietly, barely speaking, he led the way back to his TARDIS and looked toward her as she asked whether her Doctor would know she was here. Yes, he would know one day. Once he followed his future self’s footsteps and went back for her himself. They would forever be an unending loop, circling after each other and orbiting a small blond girl.

With the thought, he opened his TARDIS to her and followed her in. And once inside, he was overtaken by the vision of her in his TARDIS. Yellow-haired, slender and beautiful, looking around in wonder as she had always done before. Before she had been stripped from him. The image of her ripped down several more of his defenses and he went for it then. Without wishing to look back, he took her then and there, kissing her and dragging her straight to the console. He had expected to use his room but she gestured to the controls, seeming as impatient as him. That would work just as well, he reflected as she stripped him of his tie, as she bent into his neck to kiss him there. He could smell her in the air and this was almost the scent he had caught on her once upon a time in his own TARDIS, reading a letter that never should have mattered as much as he’d let it. Dropping her to the console, lifting his hands to her, he allowed himself to feel every part of her. Smooth skin, soft lips and the overwhelming scent that was pure Rose. He wanted to bury himself in that scent. And he almost felt bad for his past self, sitting at home in a black mood, not knowing that his very tonic was this girl. The girl who was trying to rid him of his shirt at the moment even as he was trying to get her jumper off. Like two teenagers, he mused with an exhilarated inward laugh. He won the little battle, taking her jumper from her, watching as her hair fell down around her shoulders.

She was beautiful, he realized once more as she watched him, as she waited for him to come back to her. She would never be anything less with her golden hair and heaving shoulders, the flush across her cheeks and breasts. And he was in love with her. After everything she had ever done for him, every brink she had brought him back from, he felt it safe to say that he was in love with her and that he loved her. Quite possibly for the rest of his many years and lives. He lifted his hand to her face with the thought, going back to her as he knew he always would. And he kissed her, opening his mouth to her and taking in her gentle sigh, his other hand falling to her breast. Every part of her was perfect. How could he have never allowed himself to touch her like this before? How had he ever held himself back?

He remembered how then. Last of the Time Lords. Defending Earth. Discovering new worlds, new even to him. Refusing to be tethered to one planet, one person. He pulled back from her with the thought, his fingers stiffening on her breast. That was how he had restrained himself. By thinking of others, of everyone else. Not this time, he decided then, his face darkening. Not when the universe owed him so much after taking her from him. He was going to take advantage of these chances. Any way he could-

The brush of her hands across the tender skin of his hip made him jump. He felt her laugh in her kiss, felt the slight brush of her tongue against his parted lips. And a moment later she dropped her hand lower, undoing the button to his pants. That brought him to a sudden stop, feeling his muscles clench against her warm hands, his hand slipping across the blond hair he had trapped to her face.

“Here. Right here. Now,” she whispered against his mouth, pressing her forehead to his. He took a step away as she motioned and he watched her as she lowered herself from the console, as she came to stand straight before him. Silently, he allowed her to take both of his hands in hers and place them at the waist of her jeans, directly on the button. She murmured something he didn’t quite catch through the sudden rush of his blood in his ears. Something about not wishing to force him but possibly being mad if he didn’t follow through.

He unbuttoned the clasp to her jeans, aware that he was fighting something that he knew would inevitably happen. He had already lived through her disappearances at night, had been aware that she had been with someone. It was him that she had been going to, in her future and in his past. What was he fighting any of this for? A moment later, his breath left him as she pushed her jeans off her hips, kicking them aside, and then doing the same with her panties. And as she stepped out of those, he was taken over by her scent. She was aroused, her entire body giving off that heady perfume, causing him to lose focus. She came closer, bringing a hand to his face to kiss his cheek and he turned from her for a brief moment, swallowing her scent whole. It sent him practically reeling, his breath quickening, suffocating.

The smell of her, it was so close to the one he had caught in the TARDIS, the one he would catch in a matter of hours. He just needed to add his own scent to it, something he hadn’t been able to catch that night in the TARDIS of the past, one detail he hadn’t realized. He had automatically excluded his own scent that night as he had tucked away Madame de Pompadour’s letter and watched his own Rose Tyler march away from his questioning glance, off to shower. How could it have been his scent intermingled with her own when he had been in his TARDIS all night? And no future version of him would be foolish enough to cross timelines, not for the sake of one girl.

He wanted to raise his own hand then to proclaim himself the fool for this human. But she was kissing him, small butterfly kisses that led to her lips against his, searching for him. She had murmured something as he’d been in the middle of being floored by her scent and she was reaching for him now, surrounding him with the thick smell of her. It was going to drive him mad, he realized futilely. If the mere scent of her everyday creams and lotions drove him to think about her at the most inopportune times, he could only hope to survive this unconscious assailment.

Struggling to practically remain in control, he moved closer to her just as she led him back toward the console, her hand reaching for the surface. Wordlessly refusing to break the kiss, he bent toward her to slip his arms around her. Every part of her was soft, he noted somewhere in the back of his head as he lifted her slowly back onto the controls. She finished seating herself, her hands falling to his hips, her fingers sliding his pants down. The TARDIS felt almost cold then, his back becoming rigid as his heated skin met pure cool air. A moment later she was shifting to press her heat against his cold skin. It sent a shudder through him, his mouth slipping across hers. That’s what she was, a voice inside him whispered as she dragged him close with her legs, trapping him to her. She was fire and heat, red burning coals. The sun. Every part of her threatened to sear the skin from his very bones and he wanted it. He wanted it. And he wanted it right then and there.

His hand moved toward her thigh, to the curve of her knee as he dragged one leg open. A moment later, surrounded by her scent, he entered her almost blindly. She stiffened around him in mid-kiss, her breath caught in her throat, and he was burning. He opened his eyes to look at her hazily. She was flushed, her lips bruised a dark pink, her chest rising and falling rapidly. He couldn’t see straight surrounded by the smell of her, his own thoughts stifled somehow. All he knew was that this was how it felt to regenerate. To feel hot and cold at the same time, to shed a skin to become a new person. He had found the whole process there in her body and he would give anything to repeat that sensation. Forever.

“Don’t stop,” she was whispering as she leaned forward once more. She lifted her hips, taking him with her, a sound leaving him helplessly at the motion. Every single part of her smoldered, setting him on fire. And he had wanted this, this feeling of burning alive. He would rather die this way, any day, than the way he had felt earlier that day. The voice in his head was urging him to burn with her, to allow her to eat him away entirely. Feeling her lift a hand to his face, he raised his head, shivering still as her fingers slid along his cheek to anchor at the nape of his neck. He didn’t understand how she could do that to him, make him tremble even as he was scalded. He didn’t care a moment later as he pushed the voice away, as he pulled back a little bit only to return to her fully. He was buried to the rim inside of her, her legs tight around him, refusing to let him leave.

He was going to die in the center of her thighs and in the circle of her arms.

Wrapping an arm around the curve of her waist, he supported her to him even as she leaned back, as he began to thrust forcefully. He arched with her, unwilling to let her pull away too far. Nothing would take this burning feeling away from him, he told himself as he pulled out of her heat and then immersed himself once more. Nothing. She returned to his mouth with a small sigh, her legs dangling on either side of him, brushing his waist with each rocking movement. Feeling her fingers tighten on the hair at the nape of his neck, almost yanking, he returned her cruelty with stronger thrusts. The motion caused her hand to slide slightly across the controls, her lips leaving his to cry out loudly, her shout echoing in the silence of the TARDIS. He could feel her heartbeat racing, could hear it in his own ears. And he felt each beat through his entire body, strangely in tune with his own double heartbeat. Pulling her to him on a thrust, he leaned her back further into the console controls, refusing to stop moving, refusing to look back even as the voice in his head reared up once more. She was human. She was young. She wasn’t his, didn’t belong to him. She would go back to her own Doctor tonight, wouldn’t stay with him forever the way he needed her to. He shook his head slightly, grimacing through her heat, somehow wishing to rip his thoughts from his very mind, to lock them away. He didn’t want this moment ruined, didn’t want to have to think.

A moment later he caught her whisper against his mouth, “Don’t think. Don’t think-“ followed by a sharp, raw cry that sent the hair on the back of his neck to stand in a shiver. Clenching his jaw, feeling control slipping from him, he bent into her neck helplessly, overcome by her fragrance. He would never forget this scent that hovered, the scent he had now completed with his own. It would plague him till the end of his days, this maddeningly beautiful scent that was all their own. She shifted under him, tightening around him almost like a vice and he couldn’t help the expression that crossed his face. She caught it as well, turning her face into his and murmuring his name as he thrust into her, forcing her to stretch open for him even as she tightened further still. His name was on her lips as she kissed him, as she cried out against his ear, threatening to consume him. And he wanted her to do it, to burn at him and lick him with her flames until there was nothing left of him anymore. He would rather cease to exist than ever have anything they had between them end.

Blindly shoving her against the controls with each thrust, his hand lifted to cup her breast, his other hand rising up her back to clutch at her shoulder from behind. He needed to feel every part of her bared skin against his, needed to hear her cry his name against his mouth. Never his real name, he thought almost mournfully. But the name she knew him by, given life by her voice. It was on her lips, her breasts pushing against his chest as he moved within her, burning.

And she was close, he felt it in the way she was tightening, in the way she clutched at him fiercely. Even the way she was saying his name, with that delicious curve of desperation in its depths. He realized a moment later he was whispering her name the same way, having given himself so completely to the moment inside her that he was climbing to his own peak as well almost unknowingly. He groaned, immersing himself completely, riding her almost in anguish. He was so close he could taste it and so was she.

He opened his eyes to gaze at her, his eyes falling to her lips as they parted around his name again and he wanted to kiss that mouth always. He wanted to see that mouth smile, laugh, moan. And he wanted to see what else that mouth could do. The things he’d never allowed himself to think of before, he was thinking them now and he was grateful she couldn’t read minds. He bent to that mouth in mid-thrust, swallowing her yearning gasp and he felt how tightly her arms were holding him, how stiff she held herself. Gauging her body through a haze, unwilling to rupture before her, he lifted her against him with one smooth movement, bringing her down on him almost violently.

The gesture caused her to shatter around him. A cry tore from her, her head falling back from him as he lifted his face to her. And he wanted to see. He needed to see.

The expression on her face almost finished him there as well. Agony seemed to cross her features, her lips parted, her breasts rising against his chest. She was beautiful, beautiful enough to bring him to a stunned stop. Golden hair, full lips he had been dreaming of only moments ago with his name hovering there. A shiver coursed through him even as she trembled around him, as she threatened to break him. Shaking himself from his reverie, he brought his head down only momentarily, aware of how sensitive she had become around him. But he wouldn’t have been able to stop even if the end of the world had been at hand. Not when it came to her and this feeling of needing to be complete inside of her.

His hand lifted from her shoulder to cup her by the back of the neck, pulling her down on him, burying himself deep inside with each full, wet thrust. She shuddered around him, bringing a longing moan from him as those shivers raced through her into him, vibrating around him. Forget the world, the voice in his head whispered, her voice echoing just behind it, pushing him on, faster, harder. It urged him frantically to forget everything except her and remember the worlds and the lines he had crossed for her, for this one moment, for more moments like these. And she was asking the same thing against his ear, her hands in his hair as she pushed against him, as she tightened around him in small, fiery shivers. Even her scent, so completely her own as she came down, asked him to forget everything except her for that moment. Forever.

Her name left his lips at the thought of forever, at the thought of always being able to see that expression cross her face as she came around him, as he brought her to climax. He wanted that, could feel it within reach somehow, but as he slid in and out of her slick walls it was the thought of having her always that completed him. The heat inside him boiled over, flames licking at him. He bit into the soft flesh of her neck, her head falling back to allow him as he felt release wash over him in a complete wave of blissful torture. His entire mind flashed white, his frame instinctively becoming rigid around her, inside her, and he was burning. Finally and thankfully, he burned with a brilliantly golden light, his body seeming to purr at the thought that he could smolder and turn to ash and welcome it.

His hand had fallen to her hip mindlessly as he had come inside her. Even now, rocking against her to ride out the last waves, he couldn’t seem to let her go, his fingers refusing to loosen their tight grip. She seemed to understand as her hands were still tangled in his damp hair, clutching him as if she would never be able to release him. Not anymore. Breathing hard, murmuring her name through a grimace, he emptied himself completely inside of her, his shoulders trembling. And she was shaking still as well, bending slightly to hold him tightly, her mouth pressing to one of his slick shoulders wearily.

He wouldn’t be able to make a single, strong muscle in the morning, he realized weakly. Quite possibly never again, not if he thought of this moment just before. The mere memory would forever rob him of strength, as would the thought of her voice crying out his name as she came around him. Would he even be able to walk properly anymore? His legs trembled even holding him then.

She shifted under him slightly, her fingers trailing through his hair comfortingly. Blinking tiredly, his thoughts slowly waking once more, he turned his head, his mouth brushing against the skin of her cheek as she kissed his shoulder gently. Even the simple gesture sent tremors through him. He raised himself slightly from her to gaze at her with new eyes, searching her face for a change, looking for a regret.

She beat him to the fear a moment later. “Don’t tell me you already regret it,” she whispered to him quietly, causing him to recoil inwardly. She shook her head, looking somehow tired and yet very much alive. And the slightest bit apprehensive. “I don’t want to hear that right now.”

He shook his head as well, his arms tightening around her with the last bit of his strength. “I don’t regret it. Not now. Not ever,” he murmured to her and her happy smile brought time to a stop for him once more. And hovering around them, complete, was the scent that they created with their love for each other.

Update: Sorry folks! I just fixed the link. Yay! Although it seems a few of you have already found the entire thing. Do I really need to post the rest of it here then? Lol.

fanfic: (dw) stopping time (the doctor), fanfiction, doctor who

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