The Dangers of My Job. LOL.

Jul 08, 2010 15:59

So I blogged yesterday on spark about the annoying day I was having. And then it went straight downhill. I didn't think it could get worse. But here's what happened.

On our late nights (we're open until 8pm on Wednesdays. I work in a library.) we have three staff members in the building and the security guard usually. So two of the staff members, the clerk and the librarian are supposed to be on the floor while the second clerk (me, in this case working as a clerk instead of my usual job) works the return desk bins in the workroom. Turns out my other clerk was on desk where he needed to be so he saw the patron come in to the back room. The librarian does what she always does and walks off desk to do other duties when she's supposed to be on the desk tending to patrons. Figures.

So I'm checking books in and the librarian walks in with her stack of papers and books. She comes up next to me and asks, "Who is that guy in the back office?" The back office being HER office! I look at her and kinda frown. "Wha? Who?"

The clerk from the floor comes in and says to me, "Who is that guy that walked in here?"

So now I get irritated because even though the sign on the open door says, "Staff Only," people in general can't seem to read. So once they're both like, "Who is that?" I look at the mirror that reflects the image of the workroom office and I see someone back there. So I get annoyed and go to find out who the guy is. Turns out to be some young kid so I ask him rather crossly, "Dude. What's up? What're you doing back here?" And the kid goes, "I was looking for my aunt." Which was weird to me but I said, "Well she's not here. I need you to step back out on the floor. This room is for staff only." So the other clerk starts to walk the kid out and he changes his story to looking for the bathroom. We're still like, "The bathroom is outside on the floor. You can't be back here."

So the kid leaves to use the bathroom on the floor. I go back to checking in books. The other clerk goes back to his desk on the floor and the librarian goes back to doing her list.

About half an hour later one of the part timers comes to the backroom and says, "I found a wallet on the shelf outside." So she and the other part timer start to look through it for ID and then the librarian comes back to the room and says, "That looks like my wallet."


The librarian looks through the wallet, sees it IS hers and then realizes that $65 was stolen from it but her credit cards were left behind, luckily. So it turns out the kid that was in the back stole the wallet and took the cash but discarded the wallet.

Now here's where my branch (clerical) boss gets mad this morning after hearing the story. The librarian SAW the kid come into the workroom behind me. And she didn't say anything. She didn't recognize the kid but didn't alert security because she likes to NOT pay attention. She'd rather immerse herself in her books than take any responsibility even though she's a librarian supervisor! That's one. Two: This kid could've seriously come up behind me, hit me off the back of the head or done something worse, and gotten away with it because the supervising librarian decided to act like she hadn't seen the kid come in. Three: When she sees the kid IN HER OFFICE, she asks ME who he is! And me, the idiot, I go to check the office out to see who he is. This is where I made a dumb mistake, in handling it myself. But she made a completely INSANE mistake in asking me about it rather than handing it to the guard or handling it herself. It was her office, her purse, her WALLET. And she's asking ME who he is. This right after she SAW the kid walk into the workroom behind me but decided not to say anything.


Whatever the case, the lady lost $65 and the security guard got mad because she did nothing about the whole thing. There's a saying the MTA has: If you see something, say something. Yeah, that works for the library, too, thanks. My boss, the one who got irritated with me yesterday for working out in the heat, was just thankful I was ok. It didn't even occur to me that the guy could've hurt me. I'm just one of those people who doesn't care about stuff like that. I don't know.

But whatever the case, everyone is ok and we're probably never going to see that kid again. Oh and the funny thing? The librarian goes, "It was only $65. At least he left my metrocard."

I just turned on my heel and walked away. *smh*

zomgstopit, drama, whyyyyyy, library sux, personal, work, argh, idiot librarians

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