What a Weekend.

Jun 16, 2008 09:27

So, my weekend was fantabulous. Father's Day was sandwiched in there which was cool. The one-day-to-be-husband of mine got recruited to put up a sound system for my dad's flat screen tv so I felt a bit bad there but at the same time sometimes you just have to work to be part of a family, lol. But he had my brother's help so it was like a testosterone fest going on in the living room. What  was I doing at the time, you ask?

My Site of Information

Yeah. So I had a lovely Sunday, lol. Other than that a bit of information has been running around concerning personal family life so I am in one HELL of a giddy mood. Like one of those throw-your-hands-in-the-air-as-you-run-around-screaming-your-head-off giddy moods. If I weren't at work right now I would be doing exactly that, lovely people. It's a bit too much and a bit too personal to put up online so I won't be suffice to say that if you guys were in my shoes you also would be reacting the same way. Unless you take news like this a different way in which case...more power to ya!

Anyhoo, wow. Midnight. What a fabulous episode I thought!

I'm a fan of RTD, I really am. I'm also a pretty huge fan of Moffat (FTW). But mostly RTD because he just seems to have such loyalty to Rose and I really am just stuck on this Ten-Rose kick currently. I'm sure once that runs its course (which hopefully won't be for a bit) though I'll just appreciate the show for what it is. Namely a sci-fi comedy with moments of pure dark brilliance.

So Midnight. Wow. I would have expected this a bit more from Moffat than RTD. One whole episode that just straight out plays on emotion and interaction as opposed to large doses of sci-fi. This, in my opinion, was just so much better than an invasion of Daleks or Cybermen. I mean, wow. I was freaked out by Sky Silvestry. I found her annoying at first, kinda hoped she would be done away with early on. Once she was I was like, HOLY CRAP Ididn'tmeanit! Geez, what a great creepy performance by an actress. And once she began speaking before even the Doctor, once she had stolen his voice, I was on the edge of my seat.

I knew originally that this episode would be Companion-Lite and that next week would be Doctor-Lite but I was just about ready to flip out when we were like five minutes to the end and they were kicking the Doctor out still. I was convinced at this point that this episode was going to end in a two parter and that this was the reason the Doctor wouldn't be in Turn Left. Convinced. And freaking out. I watch these episodes on my computer (not in the UK, sadly) after I download them and my chair is JUST not comfortable for sitting on the edge but I endured, people! I sat at the edge, my fingers cramping as I held the edge of my desk! Cramping! Wow. And once it did end and he had been saved I was like, "Oh you other people onboard are SUCH bitches..."

Anyways, I thought this episode was just brilliant. Absolutely.

And now I have to go to work. I'm already ten minutes late, lol.

rose tyler, doctor who, personal, midnight

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