Переклад вчорашніх виступів англійською

Feb 22, 2014 13:50

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and today in Gorodenka in Ivanofrankivsk state (Western Ukraine)
we have buried sotnik [commander of 100 persons brigade] Didych
Which died here together with you, who devoted their lives for freedom of Ukraine
And now we all are here together, and it's not time to quarrel
But we have to stand shoulder to shoulder missing our heroes
Fighting against this regime
And I believe that our unity will help us defeat this band
Band which made so much evil to Ukraine
Eternal memory for all heroes, God blesses their souls
Eternal memory to 16 "Svoboda" people, which died here yesterday...

We are not ... we are just battle sotnya [100 person brigade]
And I want to say you that we are common people
saying to our politicians which are standing behind my back
No Yanukovich, no criminal will be a president!
Tomorrow before 10 a.m. he must go away
First requirement
My blood brother from Yavorivshyna [district of Western Ukraine]
He was shot and he left his wife and small child
But our leaders shake hands with killer

I will say this. We came here with my sotnya. We are not organization.
We are just common Ukranian people which came here to fight for our rights
We are not ... we are just battle sotnya [100 person brigade]
And I want to say you that we are common people
saying to our politicians which are standing behind my back
No Yanukovich, no criminal will be a president!
Tomorrow before 10 a.m. he must go away
First requirement
My blood brother from Yavorivshyna [district of Western Ukraine]
He was shot and he left his wife and small child
But our leaders shake hands with killer
And one more! Dear blood brothers! Fellow brothers! Ukrainians!
I say you often, I swear, I'm not from any organization
There stands my sotnya which were in this house,
We all made this turning point, we gave a chance to politicians
to became ministers, presidents in the future
but they don't want to satisfy just one requirement to let criminal go away!
Friends! I don't want to make long and stupid talks here
We have been fed with them enough by our politicians last two months
I don't believe in these hard political processes they are talking about
77 people devoted their lives and they [politicians] negotiating
I beg you to support this thing which I talk about from my sotnya
Where is my father which came here
If you won't make a statement tomorrow before 10 a.m. for Yanukovych resign
We will assault with weapons, I swear you!

Our Father, who art in heaven... [pray]

Dear community! Poeple, just second, please! Dear people!
Here beneath the stage they brought one more our hero.
All leader are here on the stage.
We have heard that they will have now an oppertunityto talk.
And we will listen, we all are here, right?
But our hero is also here beneath the stage.
Let's say God bless together and then we will listen. Please...

Our Father, who art in heaven... [pray]

Here is priest from Skolivshyna [Western Ukraine] for this guy which is near here
Guy from "Svoboda" which died, Oleg Kushnevych
Please, his fellow countryman

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Ukraine!
Dear Ukrainian brothers and sisters
today we see off and honor to heroes of Ukraine
But it is very painful that today young and active heads want fresh blood
We were waiting three months, and we can wait a week, day, two or three!
Dear, I beg your pardon, you have misunderstood me,
It's obvious that criminal must be punished
But dear, my heart tears off when such young people gave off their lives
So criminal must go and glory to heroes!

We ask priests to make one more "Our Father"
because there they carry one more our brother
Near his body, above his soul there is a dove sits there
and sees him off to heaven

Our Father, who art in heaven... [pray]

God blessed ... young died guys which gave off their lives
to the altar of freedom, to the altar of our future
Tortured bu regime of Yanukovich, their honor will be written trough the history
Cities and streets will be named with their names
their honor won't be ever forgotten
And I want to say to you, my brother and sisters,
God blesses you and gives you his will,
We know how in Palm Sunday everyone threw palms to Christ
laid palm leaves like we do willow branches here
they cried him "Hosanna" like we cry to our politicians
which gathered us here and leaded us all these years
and here we suddenly become mad
People, please wake up, don't do like this
Do not follow temptation
We can not scream today "Crucify!"
Why do we do this? We now from Bible how crowd cried "Crucify him!"
Dear people, be conscious, because these people have some value in our minds
And all of them were here and every one of them could be killed
like any of us, but they were still here, so we are not allowed to quarrel.
I understand that we want tomorrow, ok, let it be tomorrow to resign president
We are not against, let it be now. But we shouldn't say "shame" to leaders.
We are Ukrainians, yesterday we screamed "Hosanna" and today it is "Shame".
Awake! Let's God be among us. Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to our hero! Please carry him! Glory! Glory! Glory!

Dear community! Kingdom of Heaven for our heroes! Rest in peace.
Please, brothers and sisters, we are only ones in our struggle.
Worship to everyone of you. Glory to Ukraine!

task of any of us to do everything to stop blood.
And for this we must do everything possible to stop brother killing brother.
When Ukrainians die. And I do everything to stop it.
And to establish peace in Ukraine again.

Friends! Eternal memory to heroes. Band must go!

Glory to Ukraine!

It is not the place for politics. Because these heroes are anchors,
which don't allow anyone to blame their memories.
there is no any victory today. We are just step closer to our goal.
because we will have a victory only when Ukraine will have a new president
Yes or no?
We will overcome only when we will build up a new country
For which heroes have given off their lives.
Eternal glory to heroes!
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