Oct 27, 2004 22:21
Life is like a roller coaster to me.Life is something that has it's up's and down's. No one understands life really.No one can change accept yourself.Be yourself and no one else.Just because someone expresses themself.Do you have to hate them? Just because someone is being a poser. Do you have to hate them? Just because someone is so different from you and I. Do you have to judge them? No one
~TA~I have a black heart.My blood pourz out 2 every1 who acceptz meh 4 meh!"Poserz,fakez,wannabe's suck!"B tru,b u,~n~ no 1 else. says:
is going to be whatever you want them to be.Everyone is gonna be whatever they want to be.Sure you got the posers out there, but are they considered human?I mean isn't life supose to be great. But then again pure hell in the same day.You make your destiny out to be whatever you want it to be.But again then you get the
~TA~I have a black heart.My blood pourz out 2 every1 who acceptz meh 4 meh!"Poserz,fakez,wannabe's suck!"B tru,b u,~n~ no 1 else. says:
people who mock you for being yourself.People are the toughest critic's out there.You think everyone is gonna accept you when they really don't care.Not everyone is going to care about you cause again. Why should they when they have other important stuff to do?What's the
~TA~I have a black heart.My blood pourz out 2 every1 who acceptz meh 4 meh!"Poserz,fakez,wannabe's suck!"B tru,b u,~n~ no 1 else. says:
point of life.Everything you want it to be but of course you got obsticles along the way.Take your time going through them cause if you rush it.You might regret it later on.But again you never know til you try.Alls I'm saying is you can try to convince someone that life is great
~TA~I have a black heart.My blood pourz out 2 every1 who acceptz meh 4 meh!"Poserz,fakez,wannabe's suck!"B tru,b u,~n~ no 1 else. says:
cause I said so but not everyone is gonna accept that.I had my ups and down's in life. I try to change but wind up back to my old self in the end.Don't be stupid and let opertunitys pass u by cause I have and later regret.Live life up or down or whatever you want it to be.But just
!"Poserz,fakez,wannabe's suck!"B tru,b u,~n~ no 1 else. says:
don't be like me.
So lets give my friend toria the props for this