Following Jasmine's party on saturday, I think we need to buy a shisha for the study area. It'd be great! I for one would never complain of being bored, hungry, or in need of a fag again. In fact, I could stay in the same place. Which I mostly do anyway, to be honest. although Mr Wilde talked at us today about registration. for 15 minutes. jeeze, talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. Registration ain't all it's cracked up to be.
Oh dear. You know EastEnders is running out of storylines when they have Pat playing the flirt. old people sex is wroooong.
Anyhow. did extra work on saturday. New teacher there who was shredding away and being uber-hxc and generally amazing. upon asking him his age, he replied he was fifteen. Fifteen? Fifteen?! Fifteen-year-olds shouldn't be better than me. it's a wee bit humiliating. oh well. ~mumbles bitterly~ he probably has no social skills.
I think I may lock myself in my room over half-term and play guitar.
Talking of musicy things, DOOMspoon songs are coming along quite groovily. With catchy songs about emo boys and sunday roast, who can not like it? fantabulous.
Swimming tomorrow. I thought I was going into london, but I got the wrong end of the stick, as I do not do the same play, and therefore that nicely buggers up my plans to see Andy. Grah.
Following documentary about half-ton man last night, I keep worrying I'm going to develop an addiction to food. it'd be pretty sucky. unlikely, though. I love weird channel 4 documentaries.
This has been a very disjointed entry. No points to me for flowingness. Ah dear, not articulate either it would seem.
Here's a link to a game that amuses me way too much. Don't go on it if you want to get any work done.