Nov 30, 2010 03:18
remember when you we were kids and you'd get those questions...?
:would you rather fly or turn invisible
:would you rather freeze or burn to death
:would you rather be blind or deaf
Despite my love of color and my working in the visual arts, for one reason or another, I always felt more inclined to go with blindness.
On a semi-related note, as much as I like to think I'm very detail-oriented in my art endeavors, I'm actually really terrible at expressing facial recognition. If I've seen a person before, I'll recognize them readily, so it's not that I forget faces that easily. But I can't grasp specific recognizable features. Not to put into drawings or words. Even if it's some one who I see every day. It's like my mind just goes blank.
Basically, I'd be the worst witness of any crime ever.
Even if Bill did it, I'd be like "... he's tall? blue eyes... has a... face...."