Jan 25, 2009 18:43
Y0u're my everything..
Y0u g0t the v0ice of an angel, its magic h0w y0ur ones v0ice calm y0u d0wn...y0ur v0ice is like heaven to my heart, my mind, my s0ul..
h0pe till the end..that's what y0u say..and i'm h0ping that y0ur are real..n0t just a very beautiful dream of mine..because if it is..i d0n't want to wake up..
Y0ungw0ong Jaej0ong..
Y0ur name says it all..hero..
N0t the hero fr0m the m0vie..or s0me kind of c0mic character..y0u are the real Hero...my hero..
Y0u pulled me 0ut fr0m my s0rr0w, my dull life, the mess that i've created,the life that always been the same to me..
But there y0u are...shining thr0ugh the dark..brightened my life..y0u're the best damn thing that ever happen to me..at a first glance, y0u st0le my heart...first time i saw y0u kim jaej0ong..during y0ur ball0ns and 0 perf0rmance..i had y0u in my heart ever since..till n0w...and till the day i die f0r y0u are my hero..and always will...and i l0ve y0u f0r who y0u are and what y0u are...i l0ve y0u f0r always kim jaej0ong, y0ungw0ong jaej0ong, hero jaej0ong, yunho's jaej0ong!!!
Happy birthday to y0u,
Happy birthday to y0u,
Happy birthday jaej0ong 0ppa..
Happy birthday to y0u..
Hehehe..i can't d0 tr0t versi0n f0r this..huhuhu..
I wishes
#all y0ur dreams c0me true..
#have a better life
#always in the best of health
#y0u will shine even brighter
#get a H0T birthday KISS fr0m YUNHO oppa..and..and...*n0sebleed*
#l0ve and being l0ved
by others..(of c0urse, who can resist y0u)
there are so many that i c0uld wish f0r y0u..i'm wishing all the best f0r y0u,..
Y0u'd brightened my day..all my chaos has g0ne since y0u arrived..i meet new friends, new preci0us one..(u kn0w wh0 y0u are *bl0w a kiss*)
i'm thankful to y0u and dbsk!!!
I L0VE Y0U JAEJ0ONG OPPA!!! *bl0w kisses*
P.S. d0n't w0rry yunho-ya..i'm n0t g0ing to steal him fr0m y0u..l0l..i'm afraid of bruceleeyunho c0me chasing after me..xP
One m0re thing...
Unnie h0pe y0u'll get a better life ahead y0u!!!
I'm wishing y0u all the best!! And may y0ur wishes c0me true!!!
I wish y0u a happy life..and all the pr0blems that have been bugging y0u will vanish into thin air..
I L0VE Y0U!!!
*huggles y0u tightly*
p.s.s. Can i wish f0r myself?? *get whacked* hehe..i wish/h0pe i'll d0 the best in my anat0my practical exam tom0rr0w..*praying*
jaej0ong's birthday,