Jun 20, 2007 13:27
Financial Hold as of 3/15/1007 : $2060.00
Mass Tuition Waiver 5/21/1007: - 96.00
Mass Cash Grant 6/20/2007: - 442.00
Mass Cash Grant 6/20/2007: - 1000.00
New Total: 522.00
I'm assuming Miscellaneous $$: 96.00
New Financial Hold as of 6/20/07: 618.00
A difference of: 1442.00!!!!!!!!!!
I'm getting paid tomorrow, and I have help in the amount of $500.00
I'm going to pay this off, sign up for classes, and GO BACK TO COLLEGE!!!
This is SUCH a weight lifted off my shoulders! I was yelling at the lady who was telling me that I only owed 618.00. I was like NO... Make sure that you understand that this other page hasn't been updated! ! ! She said, " Ma'am, you owe $618.00."
I was SO SO SO happy!!!
I don't think any one has ever been this excited to actually be able to go to school before!! YAYYYYYY
out of debt,