
Feb 16, 2005 19:45

Just finished the exam. I'm pretty damn certain I got at least one or two of the spectrographic-unknown-thingies wrong, but I am equally sure that I got a decent chunk of the rest *right*, so we shall see. Maybe he gives partial credit.

Now I get to drive through the nice snow (winter weather advisory, w00t!) to the Tiegler's to begin my adventure in petsitting. First, I think I'll try to get all my shit done here-pick up my packages, get my notes for the exam tomorrow, etc. etc. Also, I still need to print and mail a few VDay thingies, because I haven't done that yet, because I am a horrible sucky person.

If anyone wants to reach me and *isn't* planning on trying my cell first (which is all, what, one of you? More of my UVM friends need to get LJs), well, I'm not going to be in my room too much for the next howevermany days. 10, I think.

Oh, but I threw my cell across the room in a fit of abrupt-nap-interruping-induced pique earlier. I really hope it still works, the battery kind of went flying away from the cell body. Cell bodies.. neurons.. hormonal regulation of the estrous cycle.. *shakes self*

Roight. Stuff. Indeed. See you all later.

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