dance the warrior (tp fic, gen, drabbleish)

Aug 08, 2010 02:13

so I steal all my titles from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

written a while ago, but I'm posting things tonight.  this is possibly written for Malorie's Peak Prompts on Glake.

She is opposite, she is other. He knows something of writing, having spent so much of his life around words. Dry words in documents, words describing crops in the north or droughts in the south, but they are words and he knows them as well as he knows the backs of his hands.

He does not have words to describe her.

He watches her perform a pattern dance one morning, while the light comes in through the window, slanting lines across the floorboards. She dips and weaves, makes the danger her partner, and for a moment he longs to see her in battle.

Gareth of Naxen is a knight, but Keladry of Mindelan is a warrior, and in the swing of her blade he can tell that she is truly free.

fic: tortall, tamora pierce: gen

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