
Jan 30, 2011 13:46

I know people don't like the taxes.  This makes sense, really.  But I can't understand how some people are so vehement against them.  How politicians call out, saying that taxes should never, ever, ohmygod ever be raised.  Seriously -- the cost of roads, schools, repairs, and the whole infrastructure of civilization is built on taxes.  If the cost of these things increases, don't you think the price should increase as well?  Now admittedly, this sucks, and I can accept not wanting more of your money disappearing once a year, but realistically, there's little choice.

You can either cut costs -- reducing the money going into things, or you can raise taxes.  Now, you can only cut so much, before society suffers.  I've heard of some cities in the states which have reduced their police force and fire department to single digits (or removed them entirely).  Schools disappearing.  Libraries closing.  Streets essentially reduced to potholes.  This is the very real cost of 'taxes should never be increased'.

It's stupid to think that corporations and the wealthy shouldn't pay more -- most of the money they're paying would come off the interest they make, and honestly, if you're sitting on a million dollars or more, and you're not using it, shouldn't some of that go to making your city and country better?  Essentially -- if you have more money than you will ever spend in your lifetime, and your children will spend in their lifetime, shouldn't it be put to good use?


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