A Day Late?

Mar 31, 2010 02:19

Fox Magic may be a day late it seems.  Cat's working really hard on it, trying to get the last look-through over and done with, checking for errors and trying to make sure everything is in place.  This is hard, she's not used to sitting in front of a computer for hours at a time and working.  And yes, there's a difference between idly glancing through web pages, and staring at a screen and concentrating, so I know how hard it is for her, and I can sympathise.

Still, if Cat finishes the current chapter tomorrow, all she has to do is go through the sample characters, and then we move on to doing the Table of Contents and removing all the "See Page XX" stuff.  Then we convert everything to PDF and send it off to Kevin.  I'm looking forward to this, and hopefully we'll get the print job done for CanGames.  *knock on wood*


My current thing has been to write the generic Story Point System book.  This will prevent me from having to cut and paste the mechanics into every single book I write using the system (I'm looking at you, Palladium), and can instead just sell the core book, and then make the setting books which say 'refer to core book' for a number of things.  This saves page count on the supplements, saving buyers money, and allows me to focus on other things specifically for them.

Now, mind you, it might be better financially to actually put the core mechanics into every supplement we make, but I don't think that's fair, and I think buyers would be a bit ticked about it.  Instead, this will allow players with the core book to know that whatever we're charging for our supplements, it won't be for 'the rules'.  It also means that a person interested in making their own setting with the SPS mechanics can contact us with it and see if we're interested in publishing their setting.

Again, knock on wood.

writing, work

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