Gleaned from oninofro

Aug 11, 2005 16:14

At most passengers would have the right not to be subjected to gross physical abuse. Travellers can be detained without charge, denied the right to consult a lawyer, and even refused necessities such as food and sleep.
- Mary Mason

Even if torture does occur, U.S. officials can't be sued under the Torture Victims Protection Act because it only applies to foreign individuals committing or allowing torture.
- U.S. Justice Department

"However, the United States does not practise torture*, export torture* or condone torture*."
- USJD spokesperson, Cynthia Magnuson

"I'm not a big fan of torture. Unfortunately, there are times in war when it is necessary to do things in a way that is absolutely and completely abhorrent to most good, decent people. I don't want to say that the United States has engaged routinely in such practices, because I don't think that it is routine by any standard. But that said, if it is absolutely imperative to find something out at that moment, then it is imperative to find something out at that moment, and Club Med is not the place to do it."
- American Enterprise Institute VP, Danielle Pletka

"One way to do so is to arrest people and send them back to their country of origin, with the promise that they won't be tortured. That's the promise we receive. This country does not believe in torture. We do believe in protecting ourselves. We don't believe in torture."
- President Bush


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