Life marches inexorably on

Oct 15, 2008 00:49

Well Off-Suit turned 19 and the buggles started their final term of Year 6.
Time does indeed fly.. no dawdling for it. Feels so odd to believe I have a daughter turning 19. Makes me wonder what it was like in my mothers mind when I turned 19. I had been married, divorced, had a mortgage, "lost" a mortgage and had a child by then. 37 seems so peaceful in comparison and feels like all that happened in my teens and early twenties was a dream. Certainly gives me a great appreciation for those who live to be 100+ and see such massive changes in societal structure that it must appear or feel to them that their childhood occurred in a novel.
It has been said before and I understand better than ever that the world is a stage with each person "seeing" only 100 speaking parts of its huge cacophony, whilst at the same time being so small compared to the scale by which galaxies measure change.
Enough philosophy for one night.. back to reading fic :) and working out how to stop my new found knowledge (training day today)of access macros from leaking out my ears.


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