Either I have been watching and absorbing too many TV shows or TV shows have invaded the world
In my innocuous Avon catalogue
was this delightful phase
So Willow or Whedonisms have invaded Avon
what next
on the back of my hair dye it turns out that an up market Whinny the Pooh will assist my hair colour choice
So Christopher Robin became Christophe to sound sophisticated but I'm still not sure the companion of a stuffed yellow bear in a red T shirt is the best expert I can get.
The to top it off on the drive to Nimmitable to see Ma's parents there is a 20 foot sign-- Don't be a Tosser (littering is bad for the environment)
which would be fine if it had not been fluttering in the breeze so hard that I saw
"Don't be a Toaster" ( loitering is bad for the environment)
which whilst I agree turning into a Cylon and then just standing around would be bad, I hardly expected the Local shire council to put up signs warning people :)
arggh mental malapropisms are so much fun