OK, so, I think I'm in a reality not of my own making and I want to go back to my regularly scheduled programing now.
So, thanks to my lovely kidney condition with complications, my body sucks calcium out of places it's not supposed to be sucked out of. Ergo, my teeth have suffered. One tooth in particular exploded into abcessed glory late last week. I got it pulled on Monday of this week. Shoulda gotten better right?
Woke up Tuesday morning and looked sorta like I had the mumps on one side. Couldn't talk. Called dental office, was told it should subside. Wednesday, swelling was gone, but I still couldn't talk and it felt like I had strep throat on one side. By Thursday morning, the extraction site was this sickly white color and squishy. I called the dental office yet again and this time was more adamant in the "Dude, WTF!?!" thing. Got told to come in right away.
And what the hell is dry socket anyway?
Well, that's what I had. An irrigation that made my eyes cross and my inner dragon moppet growl in high annoyance and some nasty tasting iodine paste later, I'm all packed and ready to go, complete with more nasty iodine paste, instructions and perscriptions for more antibiodics and pain killers.
Luckily, Den was there with me. We *tried* to get the scripts filled at Wal-Mart. I have yet to figure out why it took so darned long (I wound up not picking them up until Saturday) and have since resolved never to go to thier pharmacy again. Walgreen's might charge me $6 more, but I get the scripts in 20 minutes or less and no hassles about my insurance card.
It's Babygirl's birthday tomorrow. She'll be 15, physically. Mentally, oh, gods, please don't ask me as she has the mind of someone waayyy older. Sometimes, it's easier to pretend I didn't hear what actually came out of her mouth. Others, it's all I can do to keep a straight face as I make sure other adults are not overwhelmed with shock that someone so young can grasp such concepts. It can be quite entertaining. I'm told I'm quite sadistic and cruel for finding amusement in the reactions others have to her. I look at it this way, if you are an adult and are dumb enough to underestimate someone because of their age, education, backgro0und, ect, then you deserve the heartattack you get when they prove you wrong and rub your nose in it.
I made her a shirt yesterday. It looked really cute on her. She fussed with it the entire way to school, which told me she was nervous about her first day. We talked about what she might encounter and keeping a rein on her temper. I gave her the idea of looking the person irritating her dead in the eye and saying "I hope you have a nice day" with a sincere smile, then walking away. It gave her pause, and then she got this wicked smile on her face as she got the reasons why behind that concept.
She wanted to know if she would learn naughty words in Spanish class. I think I did a fairly good job of explaining to her that the teacher couldn't teach her those kinds of translations as it wasn't sanctioned. She frowned and asked how she was supposed to understand street Spanish slang then. I advised her that some of her classmates might be able to enlighten her. Yet again with the gleam in her eye that let me know she might be 15 in body, but certainly not in mind.
She's excited about her birthday, even tho we can't really get her anything as a present. She seemed to really enjoy helping me make the Red Velvet cake w/cream cheese frosting. I ingroduced her to the concept of peach slices dipped in cream cheese frosting with the leftovers. Don about had a cow and I didn't care. Said it was going to be her birthday, she was allowed.
Dinner is really late tonight. Don said it's 'cause I was in his way while making the cake. That didn't have anything to do with it. He just had too much fun with his friend.
Got to talk to Rhi. Told her my mom has this idea that there are witches in the Mormon church who have cursed my brother and that's why his health is suffering and why he's having other issues. Um, no, he's having issues because his dead wife's family are idiots and he routinely drinks 2-3 fifths of jack daniels whiskey in a night. Ergo, stress and health issues.
Still, it was rather awkward trying to explain to her that that isn't the way Witchcraft/wicca works. SHe got all scandlized and wanted to know how I knew that. I said I'd hung out with a few pagans in my time.
Ya just don't go springing "I was/am a priestess" on your mom who is easily shocked, fragile and, well, just doesn't know how to accept any religion that is not Christianity. If it's not Christianity, it's of the Devil and therefore, Satanism.
(Do I look like a Satanist? Noo!)
I figure my dad would prolly go "Hunh? Really? That's interesting." My mom, however, would scream in hysterics then prolly have a real live heart attack.
Got to talk to Larla. Funnies abounded and we made fun of Don. Don was scandalized that my evil twin came out to play in front of Babygirl.
It is 9:37pm and dinner is still not done.
I had peach slices with cream cheese frosting. That counts. Am going to bed now.