"When people reject you, they say that it's not personal. But who are they kidding? It's as personal as you can get."
-- gas food lodging
This is a lie in this case, because if it were true, it's unlikely I would have "friended" you here in the first place. If I pop you on and off my friendslist and on and off filters, sobeit. If this thought disturbs you, don't sign up. If you are a random interested bystander, well, now you know.
Have something to say, something I should know? Not sure if you can do so yet outside of LJ with my settings, but go for it. Comments screened and will not be made public.
(Secretly I am friendly, but this thing here has somehow turned into... wait for it... a journal.)
ETA 5/11/09: I has purged my friendlist once again -- not having much time to read it, alas.
If you're gone from my flist, it is most likely from some combo of you never post / you post every 3 seconds / I can keep up with you elsewhere anyway / I am insanely busy and want to be particular so as to actually read my whole friendslist. By all means comment here if you like.
O newbies, here are my top things you're likely to need to know:
-- You will probably want to go to
http://www.livejournal.com/manage/comments and click Receive email notifications when others comment. No one gets your email addy or anything and it's super handy.
---- Also, when you LJ-friend someone? Good idea to comment somewhere on their journal so they get said notification and are more likely to LJ-friend you back.
-- the LJ-cut. Just like the one that begins "furthermore" here that you must have just clicked on. This will make you a lot more popular. Good idea to use for quizzes, bunches of pix, long entries, whatever. Replace all square brackets with pointy ones in these instructions. For the simplest one, just type [lj-cut]. To do the kind with a custom message, do [lj-cut text="whatever your sekrit message is"].
-- What LJ is FOR... Log in, muthafuckas. Then, when you see that overhead menu? >> Journal >> Friends. This is the bread&butter. This is why people come back outside of answering comments on their own journal. Following the flist of a community? Clevarrr, truth. This? Better. More satisfying.
-- Why are all the times on comments so messed up when I read mine/other entries?! Well now here's an idea:
http://www.livejournal.com/manage/profile/ and, under Location, select your time zone.
There you go! (Filters = more advanced but well worthwhile, if you really want to know for reading or for writing, ASK. In brief you can begin at