Feb 15, 2006 10:44
Ground Rules: The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged.
1. I'll put sugar in anything that I think has too much vineagar/sourness.
2. I take milk/half and half in my tea, with lots of sugar/splenda (naturally).
3. I put eyeliner on twice when I apply make-up, under and over my eyeshadow.
4. I don't shave my underarms every day or even every other day.
5. I don't start my car until I and whoever else is with me, have seatbelts on.
I now tag: Emily, Olivia, Matt O., Savann, and Amanda.
Love Tasha