(no subject)

Aug 06, 2006 14:59

Hi Hi all.

Got back from holiday yesterday, and am now wishing I was back LOOOOL

But yes. All's well. I will bring you photos and hopefully a vid of me show jumping on THE SLOWEST HORSE IN THE WORLD. He's so weird XD

What's on the tasha-platter this week? Well, I'll be in London on wednesday catching up with fourtothefloor and dei-ty, and of course jamesriplily because we can;t spend more than a few days apart or we MELT. YES. ACTUAL MELTAGE.

Or, you know, not.

On friday/saturday/maybe not at all I will be off to Amecon in leicester. I have no accomodation or transport as of yet. LAWL SHOULD BE AMOOZIN LAWL.

To amuse me, and you, I found some 'new' rufus tracks on youtube. As in Happy= YAY


And 32 seconds worth of Rufus singing something last november called In Between My legs


And the end of Over the Rainbow....


And a gap advert *hysterics*


And this track from one of the new year annual hootenannys (I assume it was 2005 because I didn't watch 2005 because I was working ><) called 'Go Ask Shakespeare' with Burt Bacharach (sp!).


I'll stop now. But seriously. Youtube is a GOLDMINE.

oh and

Your Kissing Purity Score: 37% Pure

You're not one to kiss and tell...

But word is, you kiss pretty well.
Kissing Purity Test


oh god there's more.

You Are an Intense Kisser

When you kiss, it's deep and powerful

You don't take kissing lightly

Your kisses always have meaning

And they always make your head spin
What's Your Kissing Style?

Can other people (especially those I have somehow ended up liplocked with) do these too, to see if their answers are just as STOOPID?

rufus, riding, horses, friends, holiday, youtube, james-chan, music

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