
Jul 01, 2009 23:51

Some years back when I still read 3D Total a bunch, they posted links to some nifty music videos for a Slovenian rock band, Siddharta. The videos were awesome from an animation standpoint, and I really enjoyed the music too (the two linked were "My Dice" and "Napoj"). I've gone back to their site regularly over the years to listen to some of the music via watching the music videos, as for a long time there didn't seem to be a good way to import their CDs, and there wasn't another way to listen to their songs. I overplay those two I originally heard, as well as "Rave", "Male Roke" and some others.
When I last checked their CD import prices, I stumbled upon their MP3s for download (finally) on Amazon! But it's! ...Which means I can't buy them. I think it's rather silly.
So I'm stuck deciding if I should pay an outrageous amount to import and album or two or wait out their MP3 availability. Like many bands, I enjoy a few songs from one album and a few from another. Buying songs individually would be ideal.
Backup plan, I convince one of my UK friends to buy them for me. ;p

If you like rock music, check 'em out (especially if foreign languages is a plus).
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