- Reply to this meme by typing “Peace sign ID wa Super Fresh”
- I will then give you five words that remind me of you
- Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you
ltsukino gave me the following:
1. Arashi
At least 95% of my LJ posts are somehow related to these awesome Japanese boys men known as Arashi :D
Although I've only been a fan for about a year I feel like I've known them for years and as each day goes by my love for them grows stronger ^ ^. There are so many things that I can say about this group but it would take forever to write it all down plus if you really are interested just read my old posts :D
Like many~ international Arashi fans I was Jun-baited from Hana Yori Dango. I dont know what intially drew me to Jun, maybe I have a thing for that Domyouji-DoS image he had XD. Actually Matsujun isnt that DoS or atleast not anymore ne? My image of him now changed to a sweet, caring, slighty shy, happy, slighty DoS guy who really cares about the members and puts 110% into everything he does :]. If it wasnt for Matsujun I wouldnt know Arashi and that's why he is forever my ichiban! My niban (is that even right? lol) is Sho-kun :] I love how he fails all the time but at the same time he's intelligent, cool and just awesome! Also I love his air muscles <3 XD
Its pretty hard for me to rank the rest because they are constantly changing lol.
But for now its:
3. Nino: I die over his cuteness and his :3 smiles >////<
4. Ohno: When he decides to talk he's incredibly adorable and hilarious :D
5. Aiba: Gomen your last but your still awesome, someone has to be last right? One thing that I love about Aiba is that he seems really genuine, for example, when he laughs or smiles you can tell that its real :)
2. Dramas
The first Japanese jdrama I watched was Hana Yori Dango which I started to watch...3 years ago? but actually finished watching last year. Funny thing is that 3 years ago I only watched the last episode with a friend (who thinks still to this day that Domyouji is extremely ugly :o...I mean I get that the permed hair was alittle much but thats how it was in the manga so you cant blame him XD) and I only decided to watch the whole series from the beginning last year. HYD will always be my favourite drama because it was my first ^ ^.
I love watching jdramas period XD I especially like how there are different types that you can watch depending on how you feel. Like for example, if I want to escape from reality I'll watch a romance drama full of cliches XD. i think jdramas are a nice change from "western" dramas/soap operas/90210/Degrassi/ One Tree Hill-type shows- not that there is anything wrong with watching those shows...just not my cup of tea I guess lol.
So anyways here are my top 5 favourite dramas so far!:
1. HYD
2. Nodame Cantabile
3. HYD 2
4. Tokyo Dogs
5. Mr. Brain
3. CSI
In a recent post I talked about how my mom and I were obsessed with CSI for a while back when I was in....grade 7~9 or something along that line. I found this show SO interesting, like you would be like "oh that guy definitely the criminal and then BAM! it was the victim's brother :o! Lol XD. I havent seen it in a while though so maybe ill watch it tonight :D
OH! For anyone that's seen CSI Miami, have you seen this impersonation of Horatio? It killed me when I first watched it! He's so much like him~! If you watched csi miami before you'll get it XD
Click to view
4. Canada
Yes, for those who did not know, I am Canadian! Woot~ *waves flag* I love everything about Canada, the environment, free health care, great education system, multiculturalism etc- well I dont exactly love the weather though ha ha :P. I was born in Canada and sadly have never been out of Canada so I cant really compare it to other countries from my personal experiences. However in my opinion Canada is a great place to live in ^ ^ Come to Canada Arashi~! XD
Oh and not all Canadians say 'eh' lol. My cousins in Florida believe we say eh in every sentence so yeah just thought I would point that out XD.
5. Japan
It wasn't till last year that I got interested in Japan. I will admit that a BIG reason why I got interested in everything Japanese was because of Arashi however now its slowly changed. I dont know what exactly interests me so much about this country but whenever I see or hear anything about Japan I get super excited lol. I want to take a Japanese culture course (if there is one at whatever uni I go to) as an elective so that I can learn more about their culture because right now im certainly intrigued. One thing I will definitely regret is when a family friend- who was basically like an aunt to me- invited me to Japan and I said no x.x It was before I knew about the awesomeness of Japan so I cant blame myself but it will forever haunt me- or atleast till I actually go there XD
Sorry this got kindof longer than I wanted it to but yeah im sure yoiu'll forgive me XP
This is all! *waves*