I was a christmas tree for Halloween. Here it is in the light..
and in the dark., I look like a disco ball of sorts.
It's gorgeous outside. does not feel like november, but it feels like november in my heart.
Steve's birthday was yesterday, and this was the first birthday of his we have spent apart.. it was a bit weird.. but he wanted time to himself, depression is strange like that.. There is not much you can do, but offer your companionship when a friend is hurting. Hopefully one day he can learn to love himself.
I lost my driver's license a couple weeks ago, and let me tell you... in order to cash my check, it has been quite the pain in my ass to do so. Nobody will do it, even though I have a copy of my license, and my original birth certificate. I understand the security reasons behind it.. but GRRRR. How can I get a new ID if I can;t cash my check? So this lovely lady I work with will be depositing my check in her account and give me the cash.. Thank goodness. Otherwise I would totally be screwed. So I am hoping they accept third party checks, otherwise, how can I get my ID if I can't cash my check?
On the positive side, I have been quite musical lately. A little frustrated with the affect of smoking on my voice, but i can still rock it. I am gaining back my callouses on my fingers, which is painful, but I need to start somewhere. As you can see, I have been writing again.. now it's just a matter of really sinking into my music.. and maybe eventually, i will start doing open mics again. Its been a long time since I have performed in front of people I didn't know. But I have the confidence to do so again.
Recently, I got back in touch with an old great friend from my past. Liz :) She was my RA when I first went to Towson and we became great friends. Well she moved a couple years ago to Maine to get away from the craziness that is Baltimore.. and I had lost track of her. Well, as of a couple weeks ago, she randomly came online, and we have caught up. She has really changed her life around... for the better. I am so proud of her. All I could ask is for her happiness.I won't go into details, because that's confidential.. but it's amazing how her and I went through similar hurdles and both came out clean. You go with your bad self!... well i guess your not so bad this time around.
Tonight, the plans are loose. My friend John just got out of jail after being locked up for 8 months.. so I may go see him, give him some love. And Steve is having a birthday party at the warehouse.. so my presence may be graced at the warehouse.. or ill just go home and sleep. Tommorrow night I am going out on a date with Joe. Who rocks. Then Sunday I have to do the last day of my community service.. and somewhere in between all this excitement i need to catch some AA meetings.
Busy Busy. That's the way it should be.
Looking forward to Turkey day! Seeing family, especially my sister is always great.