Title: "I'm In Love With You."
Fandom: Doctor Who
Character: Jack
Pairing: Jack/Doctor
Word Count: 150
A series of fic written from the same prompt. One character says to another,
"I'm in love with you."
"Yeah," The Doctor said, not looking up from the control panel he was tinkering with. "That happens sometimes."
Jack's mouth didn't seem to want to close and he stuck both hands in his pockets in a desperate attempt to regain his cool.
"That happens?" he said finally.
The Doctor nodded. "From time to time. Although," he said, cocking his head and staring for a moment into the distance. "It's been happening more and more lately. Maybe something to do with the atmosphere of the naught years. Hormones in the food supply and what not."
"Yeah," Jack said. "Or it could be that this regeneration is a dreamboat."
The Doctor looked up from his circuit board.
"Dreamboat?" he spat.
Jack nodded, breaking into a smile.
The Doctor scowled, picking up his sonic screwdriver flashing it into the guts of the TARDIS. "I'm not sure I like that," The Doctor said finally.
"It happens sometimes."