Title: The French Kiss
Series: Twenty Kisses
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Doctor/Reinette
Word Count: 100
Not beta'd. Just for fun.
The Doctor stood in the hallway, watching the dance. The Doctor liked hallways. Hallways were good. You could stand in them, seeing everything and if you were lucky, nobody even noticed you.
He wasn’t lucky today.
Reinette noticed him and approached him gently, smiling. “My Doctor,” she said. “Not enjoying the party?”
The Doctor looked at her and when she flinched he realized he was looking too intensely, seeing what would be, and what could be and where and the light of her stretching out across the galaxy. People didn’t like that, when you saw inside of them.
Reinette touched his arm.
“Oh, Reinette,” he said.
She leaned into him and kissed him, pulling him to her as though kissing him hard enough would make him forget all that he had seen in her. Her tongue entered his mouth, forcefully, with sad passion, and he stood there and let her.