I was checking out my website today (
www.heartsoftwilight.net) for any notes left in the chat box there. I try to do that off and on. It always warms my heart to see people posting in the chat box about liking a story, etc. Today I noticed the visitor counter. I noticed that the date under the counter said since March 2005. That is over 10 years ago!! Dang, that is a long time to be writing Spuffy and other stories.
I started writing my first story, "Not Beneath Me", before I had the site up and running. So I started my first Spuffy story even before that. I always posted to SpuffyRealm, Bloodshedverse, Elysian Fields and Buffy/Spike Central directly. Rachel used to post my stories to her site Poetic/Sinister Attraction as well. A few other story archives picked up the stories over the years too. I was happily a part of the "Misfits" family (Kari, Star, Jeni, and Rae originally and later JackOfSpikes & DBD as well). I remember being so amazed when I was contacted by the Misfits because I always felt those authors were beyond awesome in their writing. I still consider it quite an honor that they considered me to add my name to the same place they posted their creative works.
As I look at this 10 year anniversary year, I am saddened that I still have 3 WIP's on the site. Although they have never been truly abandoned in my mind, I'm sure plenty of you figure that they will never be completed. I never wanted that to be something anyone thought of any of my stories. I know I always hated when people abandoned, or lost their muse for, stories. I want to try to rectify that.
I am going to make a dedicated hope to you all here (and on my site) to get things done. I want to say promise, but I am one that hates to break any kind of promise. So, since I can't be 100% sure of what the end of this year will bring, I will give you the closest I can give to that instead. I will finish at least 1 of my WIP's by December 31st, 2015. I'm hoping to finish more than that, but I am going to really put the nose to the grind. I'll see if feeding my muse some caramel Spike-shaped cookies for encouragement will help as well.
I am not sure which one will be completed out of the three current WIP's: Twists of Fate, Duty or Destiny, and Living For Love. I will be writing for each of them from now until December, and we will see which one the muse latches on to the most. I did find completed chapters that had not been posted for Duty or Destiny and Twists of Fate. I don't want to post anything until I have at least one more chapter of each of those stories ready.
Please follow my LiveJournal here, or use the contact link at my website
www.heartsoftwilight.net to be notified about updates. I will be posting notices in both places. I need to go through the site and update some of the links there too. I know that the Twists of Fate prequel doesn't go to a valid site anymore. Athenewolfe must have taken hers down. I should have the prequel saved to my hard drive somewhere. So, I can post it on my site instead.
There might be some issues with Twists of Fate as my co-author (Athenewolfe) and I haven't talked in years. She was the one that came up with the Dinzia angle for Willow to call up in the story. So, I'm going to have to think about that more to get that situation resolved. I've a couple ideas bouncing around, but I'm open to suggestions as well. Please feel free to comment here.
I am really crossing my fingers on reaching these goals. I am so happy for every review and comment over the last 10 years from you guys. I am always in awe when someone rereads a story of mine, or finds it for the first time, and comments. It makes me happy beyond words that I can express. So, thank you to everyone for making the last 10 years in Spuffyland a great time.