So, I am a terrible, terrible person and I've been reading
Mark Reads Twilight (So you don't have to).) It's basically what it says on the tin: this one guy reads the Twilight books and writes his reaction to each chapter. He started out using a lot of amusing review styles so he wouldn't be bored to death while reporting on this schlock. There's one amusing chapter that's reviewed entirely in macros. But as it's gone on Mark started to get A) bored with the monotony of the books and B) infuriated with the undertones, so most of the recent reviews are just him pointing out how misogynistic/homophobic/fucking creepy the characters are.
Then we get to the
demonspawn birth chapter. What the fucking shit. I expected it would be as vague and insipid as most of Smeyers'... I don't want to call it writing, but the words she somehow spews onto her word processor. But it's pretty horrific. You've probably seen the image of the Alien chestburster with Bella's head on it? Yeah, first time I saw Aliens I didn't know anything about the chestbursters. They still didn't squick me out nearly as much as that birth scene. And this is written by a woman who thinks Interview with a Vampire is too gory and refuses to watch R-rated movies.
If you haven't seen it already,
stoney321 has a funny
manip-based review of the series that points out a lot of the religious messages in the book. (Not saying religious messages in a book are necessarily bad. But Smeyers wields her dogma like a
Morning Star.)