OOC: Info Post - and y'all thought you were last

Jan 03, 2012 23:38

You do not want to know how many tries it took me to get this post up, really.

*Darcy is from the Marvel movie Thor.
*Played by Kat Dennings
*She's a completely original character for the movie, so there isn't tons of comic history for her.
*On the shorter side of average, dresses for comfort, sometimes wears glasses
*Described as an eager squirrel by her actress
*A bit of a ditz, though it's mostly due to the fact that science is really not her area
*Is loyal and will stick to you even as things get insane
*Fond of her - new - iPod
*Not so fond of US government goons who took her old iPod
*Has a habit of missing the big picture but noticing the tiny, important details
*A bit snarky
*Thinks everyone at Fandom is an alien
*Has a very poor filter between brain and mouth
*Tasered a god, mostly in defense
*Totally knows CPR
*Is really, really ordinary

*Goes by L, Lana, Luna, her actual first name, Alanna, and please pass the fire extinguisher
*Can be found as DarkLightLuna everywhere - LJ, Twitter, AIM
*Best reached by email
*PST, works about 60/70 hours a week, though busy season is ending soon, so SP is queen
*Is part of the FH shorties club at 4'11" - on a good day
*Started playing FH as a high school senior. Now has a masters degree. Isn't actually sure what that says aside from "scary"
*Due to some smoke, plays on an iPad. Autocorrect? Not her friend. At all. Sorry.
*Sucks at coding and graphics
*Has a habit of talking about herself in the third person
*Walks by a giant poster of Kat Dennings every day. Freaky.

what: info post, what: ooc, who: darcy

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