Table of Contents: Sokora's Character Profile

May 01, 2030 04:50

Good morning, afternoon, evening or night to you, intrepid viewer!  If you're here, then you must of course be curious about the character of one Sokora, also known as 'Samuel Algers'!  Well, please, have a seat, a drink, and a moment to spare, because this will take quite a while.  Here within, you shall find as much documentation as I've been able to dig up on this rather interesting elf.  It's obviously not a full accounting of his actions, but it might provide for a night's reading and a month's worrying, if you're given to such.

But enough of my dalliances.  Here you are, my good sir.

Background: Official Dossier -- Unofficial Statement, declared much later.
Abilities and/or Regains: Mayfield Information -- Unofficial Documentation, dated. May be inaccurate.
Interactions with other Mayfield Residents: Documentation can be found here and here.
Personal Actions:

table of contents, basics, *ooc, household, mayfield, rp

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