(no subject)

Nov 03, 2014 00:39

Hello dearest writer!

Despite having participated in Yuletide before, and having written a DYW letter before, I am still overcome with the deepest anxiety when it comes to the DYW letter, which honestly, is almost more difficult than writing the fic itself. (almost. almost.) So because I never know what to write for these things, I just copied the template from my previous letter, because I continue to be a super easy person to please and my tastes don't change, they just get better with time!! Anyway, here goes. My absolute bulletproofs have always and will forever be:
  • feelings
  • banter
  • misunderstandings/obliviousness
  • fake relationship/marriage
  • actual marriage
  • like proper get-down-on-one-knee-and-one-or-both-people-are-crying proposing, what-color-should-the-napkin-rings-be shenanigans, why-oh-why-did-i-decide-to-handwrite-all-250-invitations regret, etc.
  • soulmates
  • AUs
  • everything
Now more fandom-specific...

月刊少女野崎くん | Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: All the meta about writing and subverting typical shoujo manga tropes, like what's not to love?? As stated in my sign-up, there's no need to include all the nominated characters. Nozaki's dedication to his craft gives me so much joy, and literally, everybody is such a delight I could cry. Sakura's continuous fails at trying to steer their relationship towards a more romantic inclination, and poor Mikorin getting dragged along for the ride. Kashima and Hori have the greatest senpai/kouhai relationship, and remember what I said about loving misunderstandings/obliviousness, OBVIOUSLY I LOVE THEM. uh, I mean, whatever you want to do with this, dear author!! I love the dynamics in this series, and anything that explores any relationship is perfect ♥

Generation Kill: Ray Person is a Nascar-loving, ripped fuel-induced ray of sunshine, and Brad Colbert bravely puts up with him. jk, Brad loves him so much, like the trust between these two is the besttt. Friends or lovers or friends-to-lovers, idec, I could read Brad reading off the lyrics of Call Me Maybe to Ray's complete and utter delight, and I would be so fucking satisfied because I will never have enough of these two interacting with each other in all Brad's (fond) exasperated glory.

German National Football Team RPF: The most German man in the world just became Captain of die Mannschaft. idk, but in my mind, Basti's totally going to throw the most epic going away party for Miro. Anyway, I love everybody in this bar. Everyone is so dedicated to the team and to the game, and GOD, they're all really just kids playing their most favorite sport and I can't imagine how Joachim Löw manages to sleep at night. I really don't envy his job lol

& bulletpoints are the new black, * 'tis the season!

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