Jan 20, 2005 00:40
the stress is piling on already...and the procrastination...bad me...
i should be writing a 2 page paper right now.
tomorrow i need to by a guitar.
portuguese will be harder than i thought.
work was very boring tonight. a customer was complaining to a grl i work with Jen that there's too many foreigners in our country...he brought it up cuz theres a lot of brasilian ppl that work at shaws overnight...he said on his way to shaws he stopped at a couple gas stations and all of the workers were foreigners...get a clue...the majority of this country is made up of foreigners or ppl whose fams moved from other countries...i find it so offensive cuz my fathers an immigrant...he was also saying ppl need to know english...my grandfather has been here about 20 years, speaks barely any english and he gets along just fine...and he's not affecting that guys life in any way...i so wanted to say something to him because ppl assume you're not offended by things like that when they actually know nothing about you...but because i wasn't there to hear it i couldn't randomly bring it up...but when he came to my line he said "so don't you think all these workers are illegal immigrants?" i said "idk why don't you ask them"...grr...just b/c someone doesnt speak good english doesn't mean they're illegal...plus those ppl actually do speak good english if he would only talk to them and treat them like human...he wouldn't stand next to one of the brasilians who was ahead of him in line and he made a face at him behind his back...grow up...owell thats my rant for the night...maybe since he's a regular he'll bring it up with me again sometime...