Aug 11, 2006 15:02

So yesterday at MAC I was working on a face chart and as soon as I finished and was walking across the store and my vision from the mid-right over was completed blurred and distorted and I could not really see anything after a certain distance on the right. That lasted for about an hour and then ended with this awesome headache that eventually ended as well. I hung out with a friend for a bit then we came back to my house made a drink. My roommate smoked us out with some insane pot in a bong. After that I don't even know. We went in my room and laid down, didn't feel so well so went to make a sandwich. While making this food I proceeded to black out, colapse, and shake uncontrollably. So mid-sandwich I had to go lie back down. I got up again, barely finished the sandwich, with the same blackout/seizure thing as before. I eventually stopped trying to get up and slept till 2am and was finally ok to take my friend home. I smoke a lot of pot and never had anything like this happen, but I don't know how much I want to smoke anymore. Really though I wish I had some kind of health insurance so I could get checked out and at least know my brain is ok. Shitty.

I am fine today though. Worked at Gecko's for lunch and I work at MAC tonight. Band practice tomorrow night. Everything except last night has been awesome in my life. I try not to think about Bryan at all because there really is no point. I work a lot. This band really makes me happy. My friends are amazing.
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